No messing on Mondays at NWA Lancaster - Prime hoggs to £190 and 418p/kg, Cull ewes to £240.
The call for prime hoggs was answered, a larger entry forward was greeted by a fast and competitive trade with an SQQ of 343p/kg. Standard weight hoggs sold to an extremely competitive trade, with over weights perhaps seeing the greatest level of resistance.
Well fed and well-bred hoggs continue to sell to a premium, topping at £190 for a pair of Beltex cross from KA Purtill, Wigan with other at £184 from GM&A Jackson, Little Eccleston and J Twigge, Lindale. Others were regularly £170 to £180. A top of 418p/kg was achieved by GM&A Jackson, Little Eccleston selling Beltex cross. Others exceeding the 400p/kg barrier was KA Purtill, Wigan and ST Birkett & Son, Carnforth with endless other pens 375p/kg to 395p/kg.
Well finished first cross hoggs were regularly £155 to £165 and 340p/kg to 365p/kg. Hill bred hoggs sold to £159 and 335p/kg for Cheviots. Mule / Mashams sold to £151 and 322p/kg, Herdwicks to £144 and 272p/kg, with others horned hoggs to £130. Several pens of lighter weight hoggs forward sold to £152, with other pens of well-bred Continentals £128 to £136, ranging from 300p/kg to 360p/kg.
Keep these hoggs coming, with additional buyer enquires coming forward ahead of next week.
Cast sheep saw a rise in price with all sold average £136, the best continentals sold to £240 for Texel from R&DL Cornthwaite, Nateby with others at £220 from D&K Swarbrick, Out Rawcliffe and £194 from J Gardner, Bay Horse. Heavy weight Mules sold to £159 again from R&DL Cornthwaite, with others £140 to £152. Medium ewes of all breeds were regularly £128 to £140. Several pens of hill ewes forward saw Cheviot to £141 and £140 from CJ Metcalfe, Ingleton with Swaledales to £97 from KM&KJ Curwen, Abbeystead.
A seasonal entry of store hoggs sold to a top of £102 with all sold average £97, for predominantly long keep continentals.