North West Auctions held its annual show and sale of 1504 Mule and Continental ewes and gimmer shearlings, the pre-sale show was kindly sponsored by Wadland Finance and judged by Stuart and Ellie Garth, Bleasedale, who we thank for there time and expertise. The championship rosette was awarded to the first prize pen of Mules from P&M Crackles, Burrow which went on to sell for £210 purchased by the judge. The reserve champion rosette was awarded to the first prize pen of Continental or any other breed from JS&KM Wilson & Son, Kendal with a pen of Cheviot Mules which went on to sell for £230.
The sale saw a two tier trade with good quality sheep in big demand with purchasers looking to buy shearlings that had lambed and been double abortion vaccinated. Second quality sheep were met with selective demand, as many purchasers were willing to pay that little bit extra for quality. Topping the trade at £320 was a pair of pedigree bred Suffolk gimmer shearlings from EW&A Bradshaw, Stalmine. Mule gimmer shearlings peaked at £220 from JS&KM Wilson & son, Kendal with others from the same home to £200. A run of lambed Mule gimmer shearlings from M&YS Barker, Halton sold to £200 with others to £190 from the same home. The run from N Barker, Burton in Kendal sold to £195 and £190. The consignment from JK&BE Townley, Brookhouse sold to £195 with other leading prices being £190 from E Parker, Mewith. All Mule gimmer shearlings forward averaged £166.70.
The ewe trade was very similar to the shearling trade with purchasers looking to buy quality. Texel x one crops sold to £180 and £172 from PF Lee, Over Wyresdale. Powerful three crop Mule ewes, sold to £178 from Robert Slater, Barnacre with one crop Mule ewes twice selling to £170 from N Barker, Burton in Kendal.