
Lancaster Livestock Auction: Store Cattle - Friday 12th July

Store Cattle

The Lancaster Friday sale had a much-increased entry of Store Cattle selling to a continued good trade especially in comparison with the current deadweight prices. There also remains plenty of demand for younger types of grazing cattle as grass continues grow. Limousin cattle topped the market at £1300 for Bullocks from DE & SM Moorhouse, Natland. Simmentals sold to a top of £1250 from Barlow Bros, Croston with Charolais selling to £1230 from JA & LR Wilson, Millom. Native bred cattle continue to sell well at Lancaster, this saw Angus bullocks sell to £1220 from J & H Davis, Cabus, £1200 J Hesketh, Hutton and £1180 KH & D Holden & Son, Pilling. Plenty of others sold in the mid to late eleven hundreds. Heifers sold to a top of £1090 for Angus’ from CE & MA Hewitt, Forton with British Blues to £1050 from R & J Jenkinson, Pilling. Dairy bred bullocks sold to a top of £1130 for Montbeliardes from KH & D Holden & Son with MRIs selling to £1020 from Barlow Bros and black and whites to £1000 from KH Knowles, Inskip.

OTM Cattle

There was an increased entry of 91 cast cows this week selling to another strong trade, in which more could have been sold to the advantage of the vendor. There was an overall market average 123p/kg. Topping the trade was OTM Limousin heifers selling to 179.5p/kg from W Conder & Son, Wray with Angus’ selling to 174.5p/kg from R Oldfield, Yealand Redmayne. Young Limousin cows sold to 174.5p/kg from R Conder & Son, Wray. Dairy OTM Heifers sold to 154.5p/kg from AW & AM Park & Sons, Ellel. Dairy cows sold to a top of 131.5p/kg from P & M Crackles, Burrow and J & G Thornley, Kirkham. Dairy cows sold to a top of £1100 from Wallbank Farms, Over Wyresdale and £1084 from P & M Crackles. Beef cows sold to £1092 for Angus’ from O Butler, Kirkham and £1052 for Limousins from M & RW Stirzaker, Milnthorpe. Plenty of cows today grossed over the £1000 mark.

Calves and Stirks

There was an increased entry of 63 calves forward this week selling to a continued strong trade at Lancaster with a busy ringside of buyers for all types of calves. A consignment of British Blue calves from J & G Thornley, Kirkham saw his bulls sell to £445 and £415 and heifers to £415 and £410. British Blue bulls from Tom Barron Farms, Woodplumpton sold to £395 with British Blue bulls from RT Halhead, Cockerham sell to £390. Limousin bull calves topped at £320 from Tom Barron Farms who also sold British Blue heifers to £290 and Angus bull calves selling to £280 twice from the same home. Plenty of beef calves easily sold between £250 and £280.

Black and white bull calves sold to £145 from JT & B Fox, Quernmore with others to £110 and £100 from WN & D Smith & Sons, Cockerham.

A handful of stirks forward this week forward from JE Harrison, Greenhalgh saw Angus bullocks sell to £600 and heifers to £570.

Top Prices

Store Bullocks

Limousin £1300, £1170, £1150 High House Farm, £1130 Fellside Farm. Charolais £1230 Dunningwell Farm. Simmental £1250, £1180 Littlewood Hall Farm. Aberdeen Angus £1220 Weavers Farm, £1200 Middle Grange Farm, £1180 Chestnut House Farm, £1170 Fairfield, Raw Head. Hereford £1140 Fellside Farm, £1020 Cock Hall Farm, £950 Windy Hill Farm. British Blue £1130 Fairfield, £1120 Fellside Farm, £1070 Bridge Farm, £1030 Middlebarrow Plain, £1010 Green Close. Montbeliardes £1130 Chestnut House Farm. South Devon £1070 Kilburn House. Meuse Rhine Issel £1020 Littlewood Hall Farm. Friesian £1000 Lower House, £960 Chestnut House, £940 Bensons Farm, £930 Raveld Farm, £870 Moss House Farm. Swedish Red & White £880 Bradley Farm, £850 Lathwaite Farm. Shorthorn £850, £860 Lathwaite Farm.

Store Heifer

Aberdeen Angus £1090 Steadbank, £1040 Ellers Farm, Kays Farm, £1020 Middle Grange Farm. British Blue £1050 Holmes Farm, £920 Middlebarrow Plain. Limousin £900 Abbey Manor, Steadbank. Charolais £900, £850 Abbey Manor. Hereford £850 Abbey Manor, £840 Ellers Farm, £810 Ivy Farm.


Limousin 174.5, 169.5 Higher Broadwood Farm, 164.5 Station Hotel Farm, 147.5 Lambrigg Park Farm, 1393.5 Elm Bank Farm. Aberdeen Angus 141.5, 139.5 Elm Bank Farm, 134.5 Bowlands Garden. Belgium Blue 134.5 Capplethwaite Hall. Friesian 131.5 Mill Farm, Derby Lodge Farm, 129.5 Green Dragon Farm, Richmond Hall. Montbeliade 127.5 Green Lane End Farm, 114.5 Coventry Farm. Charolais 124.5 Capplethwaite Hall. Swedish Red & White 119.5 Walkers I’th Fields. Hereford 94.5 Oatland Farm.

OTM Heifer

Limousin 179.5 Higher Broadwood Farm. Aberdeen Angus 174.5 Brow Foot Farm. British Blue 169.5 Brow Foot Farm, 141.5 Summerlands, 139.5 Sunderland Brows Farm. Shorthorn 159.5 Sunderland Brows Farm, 139.5 Brow Foot Farm. Friesian 154.5, 149.5 Walkers I’th Fields, 149.5 Ravenscar, 139.5, 134.5 Gardners Farm.

Cast Steer

Welsh Black 161.5 Parrox Hall Farm. Friesian 151.5 Low Levens. Simmental 149.5 Moss Cottage. Charolais 139.5 Lambrigg Park Farm.

Cast Bull

Friesian 124.5 Cote Farm.

Heifer Calf

British Blue £415, £410 Derby Lodge Farm, £290 Ambrose Hall Farm, £280, £275 Norbreck Farm. Limousin £240, £205 Ambrose Hall Farm, £205 Halforth Farm, £200 Ambrose Hall Farm. Aberdeen Angus £175 Ambrose Hall Farm.

Bull Calf

British Blue £445, £415 Derby Lodge Farm Derby Lodge Farm, £395 Ambrose Hall Farm, £390 Norbreck Genetics, £662 Tills Farm. Limousin £320, £290 Ambrose Hall Farm, £275 Halforth Farm, £250 Ambrose Hall Farm. Aberdeen Angus £280, £275, £260 Ambrose Hall Farm. Hereford £185 Tills Farm. Friesian £145 Blackwood End, £110, £100 Cocker House Farm, £75 Tills Farm.

Heifer Stirk

Aberdeen Angus £570 Tunstead Farm.

Steer Stirk

£600 Tunstead Farm.

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