Spring Lambs
The weekly sale of Spring Lambs had an entry forward of 594. Trade was less this week with an SQQ average of 182p/kg and an overall market average of 180p/kg. Best conformation lambs sold around the 200p/kg mark. Beltex lambs from BR & S Carter, Pilling sold to 212p/kg with others selling to 207p/kg from Bargh Contractors, Heaton with Oxcliffe. The market topped at £94 from BR & S Carter, with Texels selling to £93 from Ian Richrdson, Catforth with other Texels selling to £90 from TR Prickett, Hutton Roof and D & K Swarbrick, Out Rawcliffe. Suffolks sold to a top of £90 from TA Blair, Thornton in Cleavleys.
Cast Sheep
There was a larger entry of cast ewes forward this week selling to an improved trade. Topping the market this week was Ian Richardson, Catforth with Beltex ewes selling to £117. Texel ewes from J Smith, Daisy Bank sold to £101 and £96, with other strong Texel ewes easily selling in excess of £90. Suffolk ewes topped at £85 from E Lund & Son, Ingleton. Mule ewes topped at £76, three times, from H Birkett & Son, Overton, WM Pye, Ashton-with-Stodday and D & D Huddleston, Wray. Plenty of pens of strong Mule ewes selling around the £70 mark. Hill bred ewes sold to top of £73 from D & D Huddleston, Wray who sold Swaledales to £55. Herdwicks sold to a top of £56 from C Hutchings, Broughton-in-Furness.