Prime Hoggs
The weekly sale of Prime Hoggs had an increased entry of over 300 forward that had a large quantity of hill bred, horned and Mule hoggs forward. The market twice topped at £95 for Texels from AG Butler, Hambleton and DM Cardwell, Stalmine. Plenty of pens of Continental and Suffolk hoggs sold in the eighties and early nineties. Plenty of best conformation hoggs sold around the 200p/kg mark topping at 210p/kg from R Collinge & Son, Kirkham. Upland hoggs saw Cheviots selling to £79 from LA Bradshaw, Stalmine and Mules from RG & H Preece, Roeburndale West. Plenty of Mules and Cheviots sold in the mid-seventies. There was an overall market average of 178p/kg.
Cast Sheep
There was a reduced number of cast sheep forward that sold to a similar trade. Continental ewes topped at £67 from EW & A Bradshaw, Stalmine with Mule ewes to £61 from PW & DW Roskell, Pilling.