
Lancaster Livestock Auction: Store Cattle Friday 16th March

Store Cattle

The weekly sale of Store Cattle saw a larger entry of 304 forward. There was a mixed show of Cattle, with all classes forward selling to a good trade.

Native Bred Cattle, again, sold well with an Aberdeen Angus Bullock topping the sale, selling to £1370 from D Vose, Downholland. Hereford Bullocks sold to £1200 for a pen from G Sagar & Son, Caton.

Continental Bullocks saw the top price, once again, achieved by a Charolais, selling to £1370 and a Limousin selling to £1360 from DE & SM Moorhouse, Natland

Heifers also saw Native Cattle top the trade with a pen of Aberdeen Angus Heifers selling to £1260 from ID Bailey, Preston.

Black and white bullocks sold to £1070 from JM & AG Swarbrick of Out Rawcliffe and again for a pen from L Parsons & Son, Levens.

Cast Cows

Cast cows saw an entry of 125 forward, which included a large proportion of parlour cows, with the sale still averaging 128.35p/kg overall.

Cast Cows sold to a top of 194.5p/kg or £1342 from TA Chapman & Son, Helsington for Limousin Cows. There were plenty of beef cows selling over the 140p/kg mark. Black and White Cows sold to a top of 161.5p/kg or £1101 from J & M Sanderson, Wesham. All Black and White Cows forward sold to an average of 119p/kg.

Black and White Heifers sold to 169.5p/kg from ME Wannop & Sons Ltd, Heaton with Oxcliffe.

Cast Steers saw British Blues sell to 204p/kg or £1169 from M Shepherd & Son, Pilling


There was a reduced entry of Calves forward this week but there was a larger entry of Beef Calves forward.

Topping today’s trade was British Blue Heifer Calves selling to £430 from G & ME Woodhouse & Son, Ellel who also sold others to £410.

Bull Calves sold to a top of £360 for British Blues from T & CM Kelsall & Son, Chipping. Native Bred Bull Calves saw Aberdeen Angus’ sell to £160 from DR & C Galbraith, Grayrigg with a consignment of two week old Hereford Bull Calves sell to £140 from B & JC Carr, Forton.

Black and White Bull Calves sold to £160 from G & ME Woodhouse & Sons, who also sold other to £140 & £110.

Top Prices


ABERDEEN ANGUS: £1370 Thorns Farm; £1280 New Parkside Farm; £1230 New Elmridge Farm. CHAROLAIS: £1370 High House Farm; £1040 Springfield. LIMOUSIN: £1360 High House Farm; £1310 Millbeck; £1250 Downlands Farm. BRITISH BLUE: £1300 New Parkside Farm; £1250 Pasture House Farm; £1240 Lodge Farm. SIMMENTAL: £1260 Intack Farm; £1190 Stubb Hall Farm. HEREFORD: £1200 New Parkside Farm; £1100 Ivy Barn; £1090 Old Glasson. NORWEGIAN RED: £1200 Old Glasson. MONTBELLIARDE: £1190 Bensons Farm; £1110 Middle Grange Farm; £1010 Ivy Barn. WELSH BLACK: £1170 Littlewood Hall Farm. FRIESIAN: £1070 Bensons Farm; £1070 Low Levens; £1040 Stubb Hall Farm. FLECKVIEH: £1070 Bensons Farm.


ABERDEEN ANGUS: £1260 Betts Farm; £1160 Low Levens; £1160 Thorns Farm. BRITISH BLUE: £1140 Windy Hill Farm; £1100 Abrahams Farm; £1070 Pasture House Farm. LIMOUSIN: £1120 Croppers Farm; £1090 Little Fell Farm; £1080 Intack Farm. CHAROLAIS: £1110 Lathwaite Farm; £1070 Ivy Barn; £990 Low Dubbs Farm. SIMMENTAL: £1080 Intack Farm. HEREFORD: £1000 Little Town Farm.


LIMOUSIN: 194.5 Lane Head Farm; 169.5 Low House; 169.5 Stubb Farm. SIMMENTAL: 161.5 New House Farm; 137.5 Middle Ridge Farm. FRIESIAN: 161.5 Pasture Barn Farm; 139.5 Dillicar; 137.5 Bank End Farm. CONTINENTAL: 159.5 Yarlsber. SWEDISH RED AND WHITE: 141.5 Walkers I’th Fields. ABERDEENANGUS: 139.5 Black Bull Cottage. MONTBELLIARDE: 139.5 Lawrence House. MEUSE RHINE ISSEL: 134.5 Village Farm; 124.5 Haven Lea. JERSEY: 114.5 Sellerley Farm. AYRSHIRE: 107.5 Knotts Farm.


FRIESIAN: 169.5 Heaton Hall Farm.


BRITISH BLUE: 204.5 Pasture House Farm; 179.5 Low Barrows Green; 164.5 Black Bull Farm. FRIESIAN: 131.5 Stubb Hall Farm.


GALLOWAY: 129.5 High House.


BRITISH BLUE: £430 Boldens Farm; £340 Sunny Bank; £340 Brown Brook. LIMOUSIN: £160 Hatters Farm. ABERDEEN ANGUS: £90 Beck Side. HEREFORD: £80 Cleveley House Farm.


BRITISH BLUE: £360 Brown Brook; £350 Boldens Farm. FRIEISAN: £160 Boldens Farm; £100 Cleveley House Farm; £90 Brown Brook. ABERDEEN ANGUS: £160 Sunny Bank; £150 Beck Side. SIMMENTAL: £150 Beck Side. HEREFORD: £140 Cleveley House Farm.

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