Calf Top Prices:
Bull Calf: British Blue: £440, £410 Flodder Hall, £390, £370 Ravens Lodge, £305 Holmecales Farm, £290 Grace Mire Farm. Limousin: £390 The Barn, £385, £345 Monk Foss Farm. Angus: £340 Grace Mire Farm, £190 Kitchlow Farm. Fleckvieh: £325 Kitchlow Farm, £260 Monk Foss Farm, £155 Wyke Farm. Hereford: £310, £175 Monk Farm, £140 Craketrees, £130, £125 Wraysholme Tower. Friesian: £265, £195, £180 Kitchlow Farm, £120 Wraysholme Tower. Montbeliarde: £220 Monk Foss Farm.
Heifer Calf: Angus: £390 Kitchlow Farm, £270 The Barn, £170 Kitchlow Farm, £120 Grace Mire Farm. Limousin: £370 The Barn, £270 Monk Foss Farm, £125 Holmescales Farm. British Blue: £350 Ravens Lodge, £295, £290 Kitchlow Farm, £280 Elm Tree Farm, £245 Monk Foss Farm. Simmental: £260, £200 Holmescales Farm. Hereford: £150 Monk Foss Farm, £100 Wraysholme Tower.
Stirk Top Prices:
Bull Stirk: Limousin: £1160 Low Waterside, £880 The Lodge, £785 Lockbank, £690 Farelton House, £650 Lockbank. Blonde: £870 Capplethwaite Hall. Simmental: £810 Lockbank. Angus: £550 Sunny Bank, £495 The Lodge. British Blue: £440 Beckside Farm.
Heifer Stirk: Limouin: £630 Farleton House, £625 High Farm. Angus: £470 Moss End Farm. Hereford: £470 Bellart Howe, £420, £400 Natland Mill Beck Farm. British Blue: £450 Beckside Farm.
Steer Stirk: Limousin: £600 High Farm, £500, £490 The Lodge. Angus: £520 Moss End Farm. British Blue: £430 Farleton House. Fleckvieh: £420 Beckside Farm.
OTM Cattle and Cast Cattle Top Prices per Kilo:
OTM Cow: Continental: 229.50 Nibthwaite Grange Farm, 139.50 Long Green Head. Shorthorn: 217.50, 214.50 Broad Oak, 154.50 Holmelands. Limousin: 211.50 Holmelands, 194.50 Swallowmire. Angus: 209.50 Black Bull Cottage, 199.50 Holmelands, 189.50 Broad Oak, 187.50 Biggings Lodge Farm, 184.50 Milton Mill, 181.50 Black Bull Cottage. Galloway: 199.50 Holmelands. Stabiliser: 199.50, 184.50 Kit Cragg. Friesian: 194.50, 191.50 Hawes Farm, 181.50 Lupton Hall, 174.50 Moss End Farm, 171.50 Elm Tree Farm, 164.50 Leakses Farm. Hereford: 187.50 Low Waterside. Swedish Red: 169.50, 154.50, 124.50 Bradley Farm. Norwegian Red: 149.50 Cracalt Farm.
OTM Heifer: Hereford: 197.50 Holmeland.
Store Cattle Top Prices:
Steer: Limousin: £1440 Coat Green Farm, £1385, £1280, £1220, £1100 Howes Farm, £1080 Coat Green Farm. Angus: £1400 Carlingwha, £1320 Low Deeplack, £1210 Howes Farm, £1180, £1170 Holmelands, £1160 Newcross House Farm. Charolais: £1300 Kate Farm, £1185 Newcross House, £1150 Holmelands, £1000 New Hall. British Blue: £1240 Newcross House Farm, £1175 College Green Farm, £755 School Hill. Hereford: £1200 Newcross House, £1160 Carlingwha, £1120 Lane Ends Farm, £875, £805 Moorside. Simmental: £1070 Kate Farm, £830 High House Farm. Continental: £965 Flodder Hall, £800 High House Farm. Blonde: £945, £880 Caueway Farm. Shorthorn: £860 Low Dubbs Farm. Saler: £850, £750, £660, £640, £610, £500 Fell House. Friesian: £650 Moss Side Farm. Fleckvieh: £645 School Hill.
Heifer: British Blue: £1390 Coat Green Farm, £1210 Capplethwaite, £1120 College Green Farm, £985 Flodder Hall, £890 Corner Cottage. Angus: £1205 College Green Farm, £1110 Low Deepslack, £1040 Holmelands, £1010 Crabtree Farm. Simmental: £1210 Kate Farm, £740 High House Farm. Blonde: £1150 Capplethwaite Hall, £820, £780 Causeway Farm. Saler: £1130, £1070 Fairbank Farm. Limousin: £1100 Holmelands, £1080, £1070 Capplethwaite Hall, £1000 St Annes Farm, £875 Fairbank Farm, £860 Mireside Farm. Stabiliser: £1050 Kate Farm. Charolais: £1015 Moss Side Farm, £900 New Hall. Belted Galloway: £980 Holmelands. Friesian: £785 Coat Green Farm. Hereford: £750 Moorside.
Bull: Hereford: £1255, £1050, £1040 Lane Ends Farm, £1010, £850 High Borrowbridge. Charolais: £970 Cartmel Fell. British Blue: £660 Mire House Farm. Friesian: £400 Mire House Farm.