
J36 Crooklands Livestock Auction: J36 Weekly sale of Prime Hoggs and Cast Sheep, 1st February 2022

Heavy hoggs once again shone at junction 36 selling three times to £158 from Harry Geldard, Levens for Texels, with Suffolks selling to the same price from L McCarrick, Chorley and WT Whittaker & Son, Nether Kellet. Best bred hoggs were a sharper trade than in previous weeks with Texels selling to £154 from J Woodburn & Partners, Ulverston or Beltexs selling to 326p/kg from PD&PJ Mason, Burton in Kendal. Mule hoggs saw the biggest lift in the trade this week with a top of £157 from DR&JE Wood, Chorley. Heavy Mule hoggs were regularly selling away at the £125 mark. Hill bred hoggs saw Swaledales sell to £129 from JS&S Atkinson, Scorton with Rough Fells selling to £115 from AJ&CM Harrison, Kentmere. The overall market average 261p/kg for 1181 hoggs sold. Buyers are showing a keen interest for well meated hoggs for the upcoming weeks. Next weeks sale includes the anniversary show, to be held at 12noon.

Another good entry of 500 ewes were forward, Beltex ewes saw a top of £157 from A Atkinson & Son, Endmoor with Charollais selling to £155 from JA&R Geldard & Son, Levens. Many of the best Continental bred ewes were regularly selling at the £145-£150 mark, with the next level down £120-£130. Mule ewes saw trade a shade sharper, selling to £130 for a pen of 5 from K E Richards & Son, Howgill with others selling to £126 from Drinkall Bros, Over Wyresdale. Hill ewes saw a keen interest with Cheviots selling to £112 from WL&F Richards, Kirkby in Furness with Swaledales selling to £104 from Drinkall Bros, Over Wyresdale. Many of the best Swaledales were selling into the high £90’s. A run of Herdwick shearlings from A Hartley, Broughton sold to £98 for a full pen. Cast rams were a pleasure to sell with a top of £160 from TMW&H Hodgson, Arkrigg.

Top Prices

Prime Hogg:
Suffolk - £158 Longfield Manor, £158 Lane Ends Farm, £154 Mansrigg Hall, £151 Holmelands, £150
Wall End Farm. Texel - £158 Low Foulshaw Farm, £156 Longfield Manor, £154 Crook O Lune Farm,
£149 Gladden Hey Farm, £145 Mansrigg Hall. Mule - £157 Wilcocks Farm, £133 Wall End Farm, £129
Mansrigg Hall, £127 Wilcocks Farm, £124 Calderside Farm. Cheviot - £155 Seedhowe Cottages, £154,
£133 Mansrigg Hall, £130 Forest Hall, £120 Wall End Farm. Continental - £152 Head House, £142
Lane Ends Farm, £129 Head House, £123 Hill Top Farm, £122 Holmelands. Beltex - £134 Holmelands,
£130 Coat Green Farm, £126, £124, £119 Mansergh Hall Farm. Charollais - £129 Holmelands.
Swaledale - £129, £113.5 Sykes Farm, £92.5 Middle Sadghyll, £84 Nether House Farm. Scotch - £124,
£115 Mansrigg Hall. Rough Fell - £115, £100 Boundary Beck, £100 Bridge Stone, £88 Luneside. Dales
Bred - £110 Fell End Farm, £100 Higher Salter. Horned - £107 Moss House Farm. Herdwick - £90
Wall End Farm.

Cast Ewe:
Beltex - £157, £135, £130 Stubb Farm, £112 Poppy Farm. Charollais - £155 Low Foulshaw Farm.
Texel - £146 Oldfield Farm, £139 Hollowmire Farm, £139 Storth End Farm, £137 Lowfield Cottage,
£134 Hollowmire Farm. Suffolk - £134 Mansrigg Hall, £127 Lowfield Cottage, £118 Mosergh Farm,
£117 Mansrigg Hall. Mule - £130 Crook O Lune Farm, £126 Catshaw Hall Farm, £113 Pilling Hall
Farm, £113 Hodgsons Green Farm, £111 Low Mill House. Zwartble - £122, £109, £97, £92 Lowfield
Cottage. Continental - £119 Mansrigg Hall, £97, £77 Gilpin Farm. Leicester - £114 Forest Hall, £80
Holme Farm. Cheviot - £112 Low Mill House, £97 Mansrigg Hall, £93 Fairbank Farm, £87 Seedhowe
Cottages. Cheviot Mule - £108 Fairbank Farm. Swaledale - £104 Catshaw Hall Farm, £98 Fellside
Farm, £94 Catshaw Hall Farm, £93 Low Mansriggs, £87 Lower Oakeneaves Farm. Dorset - £100 Brow
Head. Masham - £100 High Swinklebank Farm, £80 Mosergh Farm. Kerry Hill - £99 Mansrigg Hall.
Herdwick - £98, £88 Tuner Hall Farm, £83 Low Mill House, £78 Wall End Farm, £68 Low Mill House.
Rough Fell - £96 Seedhowe Cottages, £87 High Swinklebank Farm, £84 Seedhowe Cottages, £83 High
Swinklebank Farm. Jacob - £71 Holme Farm. Dales Bred - £66 Fell End Farm, £60 Higher Salter.
Cast Ram:
Texel - £160 Arklid Farm, £136 The Borrans, £116 Knittleton Cottage, £113 Fern Lea, £94 Knittleton
Cottage. Suffolk - £136 High House Farm, £80 Head House. Cheviot - £118 Wall End Farm, £100
Knittleton Cottage. Swaledale - £118 High Birk Howe Farm, £110 Wall End Farm, £108 High Birk
Howe Farm. Charollais - £104 School House. Herdwick - £100, £98 High Birk Howe Farm, £88 Wall
End Farm. Horned - £70 Knittleton Cottage.

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