The fortnightly sale of pigs saw a top price of £130 achieved for Large White gilts from both D Lord, Preesall and M Bennett, Penrith. Other notable prices achieved were other Large White gilts selling to £122 and smart lightweight Pietrain gilts from D Nicholson, Cockermouth selling at £116. Prime boars sold to £102 for Large White x from W Stamper. Chipping.
Top p/kg was 136p/kg achieved for Pietrain gilts from D Nicholson with other prime pigs generally selling at 110p/kg – 120p/kg.
Cull boars sold to £130 or 46p/kg with sows to £75 and 44p/kg.
Several weaners and stores were forward being a selective trade with Saddleback boars selling to £55.