North West Auctions J36 Rural Centre held its second sale of 1500 Mule, Masham and Continental ewes and shearlings. Breeding ewes saw powerful sheep good to sell with a select crowd forward showing caution to buying smaller sheep. Ewes sold to a top of £150 and £140 twice from P Redhead of Coniston. The flock dispersal from T Sharp of Burneside saw Charollais ewes selling to £130 and £115. Mule ewes sold to a £100 and £98 from FI & ME Little of Barrows Green, with other two crop ewes selling to £96 from AJ Geary of Milton Keynes.
There was a stronger trade than expected for shearlings, with a mixed entry forward in the terms of quality but good quality sheep were in good demand. Continental shearlings sold to a top of £152 and £142 from RG & L Potter of Tebay, followed by £145 from R & AC Harper of Grayrigg. Zwartable shearlings sold to a top of £140 from Eva Hoggarth of Lowgill. Strongest Mule shearlings regularly sold around the £130 mark topping at £135 and £130 from JS & KM Wilson of Kendal with other Mule shearlings, selling to £132 from BJ Bowness of Kendal and others to £131 and £130 from M Gillett of Penrith.