There was a smaller entry of calves forward today. The best well-farmed calves are still in strong demand, with younger calves harder to place. British Blue bulls sold between £250 and £295, with a top of £300 from BJ & M Tomlinson with other to £295 from DR & C Galbraith. Native bred bulls were good to sell this morning with 3-week-old Angus’ to £270 from HJ Robinson & Son. Heifer calves were a little less on the fortnight but the very best well sold. Blues sold between £220 and £250. A young show of native heifers forward sold between £90 and £120. Black and white calves were in demand at J36 with some buyers leaving with empty trailers. A young show of calves forward though saw a top of £80 from Messrs Wilson, others sold to £70 from J Scott & Co. All Black and white calves average £48.
Next sale of calves will be the Christmas show and sale on Thursday 12th December, please advise Bradley of entries on 07867 000244.
Cast Cows
Today’s sale of Cast Cows saw an entry of 51 forward with a full complement of buyer’s ringside with orders to fill.
Well-fed beef cows continue to sell to a premium with medium fleshed cows finding interest from buyers for further finishing. Heavyweight cows sold to 117.5p/kg from M Parker, Great Langdale, AW Irvine, Ambleside and B Heyes, Merseyside, with others selling between 108-115p/kg.
Dairy cows sold to 109.5p/kg from JM Barton & Son, Lupton with others to 107.5p/kg from JW Hargreaves, Broughton-in-Furness. Parlour cows sold between 88-95p/kg with leaner types less.
Top grossing beef cow today was a Hereford achieving £868 from E & SM Halpin, Barrow-in-Furness with Dairy cows to £906 from JM Barton & Son, Lupton.
Several OTM heifers forward sold to 169.5p/kg or £952 from Messrs Robinson, Old Hutton.
OTM Steers sold to 99.5p/kg and £771 for Galloways from EM Standing, Witherslack.
The next sale of cull cows is on Thursday 12th December which will include our Christmas prize sale with prizes for Highest Priced Beef Bred per kg, Highest Priced Black & White Per kg and Highest Priced per head overall.
Store Cattle
A useful entry of 74 Store Cattle today with a large ringside of buyers keen to secure replacement stock with more cattle needed for the next sale on Thursday 12th December. Suckled Calves sold to £800 for 6-month-old steers from B Heyes, Merseyside with others achieving £790. Suckled heifers sold to £610 for a Blonde from CR Alderson & Son, Kirkby Stephen who sold bulls to £710.
Younger stores saw keen interest with 11-month-old Simmental x steers selling to £830 from PG & PD Airey and Limousin x to £860 from JM Harrison, Broughton-in-Furness. Heifers sold to £780 for a Blonde x from SJ & M Richardson, Lupton with others at £760 for an Aberdeen Angus from N Richardson, Bolton.
Older cattle sold to £890 for 18-month-old Limousin x steers from B Heyes, with Blonde x steers, the same age, from JG & RM Hall, Richmond achieving £880, as did Hereford x steers from TE & A Galbraith, Crooklands.
Dairy bred steers sold to £840 for a Montbeliarde x from JR Senior, Grange-over-Sand.
Plenty more cattle could have been sold today and vendors are encouraged to enter cattle for the next sale on Thursday 12th December.
Future Sale Dates
Thursday 9th January 2020
New Year Show & Sale of Store Cattle