The fortnightly sale of Calves and Stirks had an entry of 74 forward with strong demand seen for Beef bred bulls once again. Topping the trade twice was RA & E Edmondson, Levens selling Aberdeen Angus and British Blue bulls to £300 with month old Blue bulls to £295 from R Morris-Eyton & Son, Whicham. Heifers continue to be well sold at J36, a great show forward saw British Blues sell to a height of £300 from R Morris-Eyton & Son with others selling to £295 from B Mallinson & Son, Levens. Younger types sold around the £200 to £220 mark topping at £250 from DR & C Galbraith, Grayrigg.
Dairy bred calves were good to sell with better sorts keenly bid for topping at £115 for weaned calves from J A J Walton & Son, Kirkby Stephen. Medium sorts sold between £70 and £85, topping at £88 from R Morris-Eyton & Son. Younger types of black and white calves sold between £48 and £65, with a top of £68 achieved twice, from Barker Farms, Wharton and R & J Dodgson, Natland.
A handful of Stirks today sold to a fast trade with buyers leaving empty handed. The sale topped at £450 for a 5 month old Fleckvieh bullock from SJ & J Hodgson & Son, Colton with other beef bred bullocks to £425 from MA & S Johns, Brough. Five month old Angus heifers from the same home sold to £380.
Cast Cows
The sale of cull cows saw a top price of 124.5p/kg achieved for a Limousin x from Forest Hall Farms, Selside with others to 119.5p/kg for a Stabiliser x from A Dixon & Son, Selside. Dairy cows peaked at 114.5p/kg from JW Hargreaves with medium sorts were 95p/kg to 105p/kg and parlour types were 80p/kg to 90p/kg.
Top grossing cow was another Limousin x from Forest Hall Farms selling at £939 with dairy cows topping at £877 from A & B Pickthall. A cull Hereford stock bull from RJ & J Gardner sold at 111.5p/kg.
More cows are needed to meet buyers’ demand, with 7 buyer’s ringside today keen to secure stock to fill orders.
Store Cattle
There was a nice entry of cattle forward today with plenty of customer interest for all classes and types. Today’s sale comprised of mainly younger cattle which were keenly bid for in preparation for turn out. The sale topped at £900 for a Beef Shorthorn Steer from CJ & AJ Owen who sold others at £820 for an Aberdeen Angus x.
Young suckler bred steers sold to £700 for Limousin x from JA Airey and Hereford x to £710 from IM Clegg.
Heifers sold to £800 for an Aberdeen Angus x from Messrs Caley and Mitchinson with a Limousin x £770 from FP & G Slater. Younger suckler bred heifers £710 for Limousin x from JA Airey.
The next sale of store cattle is the ‘April Fair’ on Thursday 4 April. A strong entry is required to fulfil buyer’s requirements with enquiries already being received from buyers keen to attend.