
J36 Crooklands Livestock Auction: Store Cattle Thursday 14th June

Calves sell to £475, Yearling stores £1020 & OTM 175p/kg at NWA J36


The sale of rearing calves saw a ringside of competitive buyers containing several new and returning faces. All classes and types of calves were easily sold with vendors leaving highly suited with the prices achieved. The sale was topped by a British Blue Bull from JW & D Robinson & Son achieving £475 who sold another at £440. Younger beef bulls sold to £355 for British Blue x from R Morris-Eyton with others generally £290 - £330. A real shortage of heifer calves this week with top priced being £348 for British Blue x from DW Cottam with others achieving £250 - £280. Several Native bred calves forward were selling nicely with Aberdeen Angus heifers to £320 from J & M Maudsley. Dairy bulls sold at a fast pace with all sold averaging £72. A Montbeliarde bull sold at £190, Shorthorns to £132 and Friesians to £140. Nice rearing calves £70 - £100, mediums £50 - £70 with only the smallest and youngest less.

Cast Cows

Cull cows achieved a market average of 132p/kg for an entry of predominantly leaner cows with half the entry being dairy bred. Beef cows sold to 174.5p/kg on two occasions for an Aberdeen Angus from TM & D Dobson and a Limousin from A Cottam, nice meated cows were 140p/kg – 155p/kg with leaner feeding types 125p/kg – 135p/kg. Dairies topped at 161p/kg for a young Friesian cow from R Morris-Eyton. Top grossing cow today was an Aberdeen Angus from TM & D Dobson achieving £1081.

Store Cattle

Store cattle sold to a fast trade with a large crowd of buyers looking for replacement stock, many more cattle could have easily been sold today with several buyers left empty handed. The sale topped at £1020 for yearling Limousin steers from WA Atkinson. Other well-bred yearling steers regularly £900 - £1000 to include Simmental from J Twigge at £990 and a Hereford at £970 from F & JM Mason. Younger steers £720 - £850. Heifers achieved a top price of £995 for Limousin yearlings from F & JM Mason followed by G Cuthbertson selling Aberdeen Angus to £980. Yearlings generally achieving £750 - £820 with younger heifers (6mo) selling to £660 for Charollais from DN Smith. 

Top Prices

Bull Calf

British Blue - £475, £440 Hollins Farm, £355 Beck Side, £330 Ravens Lodge, £322 Beck Side. Limousin - £240 Sunny Bank. Aberdeen Angus - £235 Raw End Farm. Friesian - £140 Cotestone Farm, £118 Natland Park Farm, £100 Elm Tree Farm, £95 Natland Park Farm, £90 Cotestone Farm. Montbeliard - £190 Colby Farms LTD. Shorthorn - £132, £95 Strickley.

Heifer Calf

British Blue - £348 Hagg Farm, £280 Beck Side. Aberdeen Angus - £320, £220, £210, £175 Raw End Farm. Montbeliard - £130, £125 Colby Farms LTD. Friesian - £98 Beck Side.


Aberdeen Angus – 174.5 Broad Oak. Limousin – 174.5 Fox Howe, 159.5, 154.5 Howriggs. Friesian – 161.5 Beck Side, 114.5, 99.5, 97.5, 94.5 High Barnes. British Blue – 144.5 Low Newton Farm, 141.5 Thrang, 124.5 Low Newton Farm. Hereford – 144.5 Sandham Farm. Shorthorn – 124.5, 121.5 Abbots Reading Farm.

Prime Bull

Friesian – 144.5, 139.5, 137.5 Bellart Howe.

Store Bullock

Limousin - £1020, £995 Ridding Side Farm, £940 Holmelands, £935 Ridding Side Farm, £910 Holmelands. Simental - £990 Holmelands. Hereford - £970, £950 Mireside Farm. British Blue - £890, £760 School Hill. Aberdeen Angus - £845 School Hill. Charolais - £600 Fell House. Shorthorn - £585 Fell House.

Store Heifer

Limousin - £995 Mireside Farm, £885, £830, £745 Scroggs Farm. Aberdeen Angus - £980 Capplerigg, £895 Holme Farm. Blonde - £745, £640 Scroggs Farm. Hereford - £730 Holme Farm. British Blue - £700 Broad Oak. Charolais - £660, £645 Fell House.

Store Bull

Limousin - £750 Old Croft, £750 Ridding Side Farm.

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