
J36 Crooklands Livestock Auction: Christmas Show & Sale of Calves, Dairy & Store Cattle

Centre Record for Calves Broken at J36!

Calves and Stirks

The great annual Christmas show and sale of Calves had the largest entry seen for some time, with over 100 forward for the sale. The sale created plenty of interest with the busiest ringside of buyers, ensuring all calves were well sold.

It was great to have a large number of calves forward for the pre-sale show and a special thanks go to the vendors for their efforts for getting their calves here for 9.30am. Thanks must also go to our sponsor BB Dairy Ltd, James Bainbridge for his presence at the sale today and our judge John Ellis. The championship and reserve championship rosettes were awarded to V & EJ Chadwick & Sons, Sowerby Lodge, Preston. The champion was a stylish British Blue Heifer, which was much admired and created a lot of interest at sale time, sold to a centre record of £510 to Ian Dixon, Low Newton. The reserve champion a British Blue Bull calf sold to £480 to JBL & I Ellis, New Hutton.

There was a buoyant trade throughout that saw other British Blue Bull calves sell to £415 from B Mallinson & Son, Ravens Lodge and other heifers sold to £350 from HJ Robinson & Son, Elm Tree Farm. Plenty of one month old Beef calves sold in the early three hundreds.

A very young entry of Black and Whites, with a shortage of good rearing calves saw rearing calf buyers leaving empty handed. Black and white calves sold to a top of £90 from GR Park & Sons, Low Deepslack.

An entry of stirks today saw summer born Hereford bulls sell to £570 with early autumn born Angus bulls sell to £470 all from RJ & J Gardner of Natland Mill Beck Farm.

Cast Cows and OTM Cattle

The fortnightly sale of cast cows, with an entry in the forties forward, sold to an overall market average of 105p/kg. Well-fleshed beef and dairy cows were a strong trade and in demand, selling to a top of 159.5p/kg for Limousin cows from RH, M & S Boyren, Hill Park. Black and whites sold to a top of 114.5p/kg from DE & SM Moorhouse of High House Farm.

Dairy Cattle

The annual Christmas show and sale of dairy cattle at J36 had a handful forward for the sale, but they created plenty of interest attracting many buyers and on lookers and many more could have easily been sold to the advantage of the vendor. Our thanks must go to our judges today Richard and Chris Ladds of Benson Hall for giving up their time and expertise.

The pre-sale champion was awarded to JM Barton & Son, Lupton Hall, Kirkby Lonsdale with a second calved cow yielding 45litres, selling for £2200 to the pre-sale judges.

A couple of heifers forward BW & M Haygarth, Manor Farm with both yielding 26litres selling to £1650 and £1600.

Breeding Cattle

A small entry of breeding cattle today was met by plenty of demand. British Blue Heifers with Limousin Heifer calves at foot sold to a top of £1550. In-calf British Blue Heifers, due in January, sold to £1300 from TLB & J Knowles of High Borrowbridge.

Store Cattle

The was an entry of 50 Store Cattle forward for the sale, with the trade being in line with other auction marts, with buyers cautious of middle range store cattle due to current forage situations. Thanks go to today’s judge Raymond Matterson of Bootle, who awarded the Champion rosette to a Limousin steer from E & S Bower, Burney End. Best steers were selling in excess of £1000.


Top Prices

Bull Calf:

British Blue - £480 Sowerby Lodge, £415 Ravens Lodge, £340 Elm Tree Farm, £340 Strickley, £340 Sunny Bank. Limousin - £315 Strickley, £280, £260 Halforth Farm. Hereford - £260 Elm Tree Farm, £190 Strickley, £150 Cotestone Farm. Angus - £200 Strickley. Friesian - £90 Low Deepslack, £70, £65 Elm Tree Farm, £65 2 Netherbeck Barn, £58 Low Deepslack.

Heifer Calf:

British Blue - £510 Sowerby Lodge, £350 Elm Tree Farm, £335, £330 Ravens Lodge, £320 Hollins Farm. Blonde - £220, £150 Low Sizergh Farm. Limousin - £195, £155 Halforth Farm. Hereford - £190, £160, £150 Elm Tree Farm, £95 Cotestone Farm. Angus - £175, £160, £150, £140 Low Sizergh Farm.

Bull Stirk:

Hereford - £570 Natland Mill Beck Farm. Angus - £470 Natland Mill Beck Farm.

OTM Cow:

Limousin – 159.5 Hill Park, 144.5 Harry Place Farm, 144.5 Hill Park, 141.5 Harry Place Farm, 131.5 Low House. Belgium Blue – 119.5 Harry Place Farm. Montbeliard – 119.5 Challon Hall. Friesian – 114.5 High House Farm, 111.5 Lupton Hall, 107.5 Challon Hall, 99.5 Lupton Hall, 97.5 Halforth Farm. British Blue – 111.5 Challon Hall Farm. Angus – 107.5 Challon Hall Farm. Charolais – 89.5 High Farm.

OTM Heifer:

Continental – 149.5, 144.5 Town End. Friesian – 141.5, 119.5 High Bracken Hall.

Cast Bull:

Belted Galloway – 91.5 Forest Hall. Shorthorn – 89.5 Hazel Head Farm.

Bulling heifers:

Limousin - £760 Low Stead.

Cow & Calf:

British Blue - £1550 School Hill.

In-Calf Heifer:

British Blue - £1300. £1200 High Borrowbridge. Limousin - £720 Low Stead.

Store Bullock:

Limousin - £1140, £1100, £910, £900, £850 Burney End. British Blue - £1060, £1000 Carlingwha, £640 Bowston Hall. Angus - £780 Black Bull Cottage. Hereford - £730 Back Bull Cottage. Continental - £690 Stockber. Shorthorn - £640 Long Green Head.

Store Heifer:

Hereford - £820 Hipshow Farm, £680 Black Bull Cottage. Limousin - £800 High Borrans Farm, £660 Low Newton Farm, £640 Black Bull Farm, £640 Low Newton Farm. British Blue - £770 Carlingwha, £710 Gowan Bank Farm. Charolais - £770, £750 Castle Syke Farm. Shorthorn - £740, £600 Strickley. Simental - £480 9 Stockdale Farm.

Store Bull

Angus - £780, £600 Moss Lane.

More Info


BB Dairy Ltd

Calf Show Results

Mr J Ellis

Class one: Beef Bred Bull Calf
1st Lot 339 V & EJ Chadwick, Sowerby Lodge
2nd Lot 324 Messrs Robinson, Strickley
3rd Lot 315 HJ Robinson & Son, Elm Tree Farm

Class two: Beef Bred Heifer Calf
1st Lot 340 V & EJ Chadwick, Sowerby Lodge
2nd Lot 329 JW & D Robinson, Hollins Farm
3rd Lot 328 JAH Walton & Son, Bank View

Class three: Dairy Bred Bull Calf
1st Lot 350 GR Park, Low Deepslack
2nd Lot 343 G Birkett, Netherbeck Barn
3rd Lot 313 HJ Robinson & Son, Elm Tree

Lot 340 V & EJ Chadwick, Sowerby Lodge

Reserve Champion
Lot 339 V & EJ Chadwick, Sowerby Lodge

Highest Priced Cast Cows

Highest Priced Beef Bred Cast Cow per kg
RH, M & S Boyren, Hill Park Limousin Cow 159.5p/kg

Highest Price Black & White Cast Cow per kg
DE & SM Moorhouse, High House Farm British Friesian 114.5p/kg

Highest Price per head Cast Cow Overall
JD Benson, Harry Place Farm Limousin £997.58

Dairy Show Results

Mr C & Mr R Ladds

Class one: Dairy Bred Heifer in Milk
1st Lot 775 BW & M Haygarth & Son, Manor Farm
2nd Lot 774 BW & M Haygarth & Son, Manor Farm

Class two: Dairy Cow in Milk
1st Lot 773 JM Barton & Son, Lupton Hall

Lot 773 JM Barton & Son, Lupton Hall

Store Cattle Show Results

Mr R Matterson

Class one: Store Bullock
1st Lot 45 E & S Bower, Burney End
2nd Lot 26 MJ Waller, Carlingwha
3rd Lot 44 E &S Bower, Burney End

Class two: Store Heifer
1st Lot 27 MJ Waller, Carlingwha
2nd Lot 29 RI Dixon, Low Newton
3rd Lot 25 MJ Waller, Carlingwha

Lot 45 E & S Bower, Burney End

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