
J36 Crooklands Livestock Auction: Christmas Show & Sale of Prime Lambs

Tuesday 5th December

Prime Lambs

The great annual Christmas Show and sale of Prime Lambs at J36 had a bumper entry of 1464 lambs forward for the sale, with all lambs selling to a strong trade throughout.

The pre-sale show was judged by Mr John Geldard, who we thank for his time and expertise. There was an impressive line-up of lambs forward to judge, especially the pairs of Beltex Lambs. The championship rosette was awarded to Alistair and Bradley Thompson of Poppy Farm, Selside, with a pair of Beltex Lambs weighing 46kg selling to £152 or 330p/kg selling to Alam of Lancashire Direct Halal Meat. The reserve champions from Linda Beck of Endmoor later went onto sell for £118 or 287p/kg and weighed 41kg. The lowland class was won by JG & PH Thompson, Poppy Farm, Selside, selling to £107 for 43kg Texel Lambs, selling to Michael Lomax. A strong class of Mules forward saw the first prize rosette awarded AW & AM Clarke, Low Longmire, Windermere selling for £83.50. We would like to thank the Rough Fell Sheep Breeders Association for their continued support in sponsoring the Rough Fell Lamb Class which was won by the Rough Fell Chairman, TLB & J Knowles, High Borrowbridge, selling 40kg Roughs to £67. Special thanks go to our sponsors McVeigh Parker & Co and Norjac.

There was a strong trade throughout the sale with lambs selling to a market average of 176p/kg with 39-45kg lambs selling to 180p/kg. Once again, Beltex lambs were in strong supply at J36 selling to an overall market average of 222p/kg. Mule lambs were generally selling in excess of £30 above their weight.

Cast Sheep

There was another good entry of 532 cast ewes forward today. Big, well-fleshed ewes continue to sell very well and were in short supply today. A large number of lean and hill type ewes on the market nationally, were making them harder to place today.

D Metcalfe of Crooklands Brow sold Suffolk ewes to £100 and £99, with big ewes selling around the £90 mark. Mule Ewes sold to a top of £72 from SH & PI Bowes, Harbarrow Farm. Best horned ewes sold into the fifties with Rough Fells selling to £54 from RJ & OB Simpson, High Swinklebank Farm and Swales topped at £51 from JF & AW Sutton, Nether House Farm.

A large number of Cast Rams in the market, with many showing signs of a hard tupping time, sold well to their value.


Top Prices

Prime Lambs:

Beltex - £152 Poppy Farm, £118 1 Weston Houses, £107, £104, £100 Poppy Farm. Suffolk - £99 Ashstead, £96.5 Kit Cragg, £96 17 Longfield Manor, £93 Netherhouses, £91 Brown Edge. Texel - £98 Hill Park, £97 Brookside, £94.5 Poppy Farm, £92.5 Hill Top Farm, £90.5 Kirket Nook. Mule - £90, £84.5 Netherhouses Farm, £84 Barrowfield, £83.5 Low Hall Farm, £83.5 Low Longmire. Cheviot - £89, £78 3 Seedhowe Cottages, £73.5 High House Farm, £71 3 Seedhowe Cottages, £68.5 Howriggs. Charollais - £82.5 Hampsfield Hall, £77.5 Myers Farm, 361 Cockley Beck Farm. Leicester - £82.5 Forest Hall, £77 Low Newton Farm, £71 Forest Farm, £66 Yarlsber. Masham - £75 Holme House Farm. Swaledale - £75 Ashstead, £70 Low Longmire, £70 Ashstead, £67.5 Middale Farm, £65 Yoad Pot. Rough Fell Mule - £74 Millriggs, £67 High Borrowbridge. Rough Fell - £71 Boundary Beck, £67.5 Millriggs, £60 Castle Howe. Cheviot Mule - £66.5 3 Seedhowe Cottages. Dales Bred - £63 Middale Farm, £61 Yarlsber. Scotch - £62 Coalbrookdale. Herdwick - £61 Coalbrookdale, £48.5 High House Farm. Dorset - £60 Hazel Head Farm. Zwartble - £50 Crosscrake Farm. Continental - £42 Broad Oak. Jacob - £40 Hall Bank.

Cast Ewes:

Suffolk - £100, £99 6 Crooklands Brow, £92 Crosscrake Farm, £88 Nether House Farm, £74 Netherhouses Farm. Texel - £89 Meadow View, £87 The Glen Farm, £87 Harbarrow Farm, £86 Kirket Nook, £78 28 Blea Tarn Road. Mule - £72, £67, £66 Harbarrow Farm, £60 Nether House Farm, £53 High Green. Charollais - £71 6 Crooklands Brow. Cheviot - £70 Hutton roof Hall, £57 Castle Howe, £50, £45 School House. Dorset - £70 Hallbeck. Teeswater - £70 Harbarrow Farm. Beltex - £60 Stonethwaite Farm, 345 High Green. Leicester - £60 Nether House Farm. Rough Fell - £54 High Swinklebank Farm, £51 High Green, 351 Castle Howe. Swaledale - £51 Nether House Farm, £42 Yoad Pot, £42 Sykes Farm, £39 Lathwaite Farm. Kerry Hill - £47 Hutton Roof Hall. Masham - £46 Mosergh Farm. Scotch - £40 Lathwaite Farm. Herdwick - £39 Cockley Beck Farm.

Cast Ram:

Charolais - £90, £45 Gibraltar Farm, £43 Hallbeck. Leicester - £81 Low Moor, £70 Sykes Farm, £66 Middle Sadghyll, £56 High House Farm, £55 Red Scar. Suffolk - £80 Netherhouses Farm, £66 Stonethwaite Farm, £65 Netherhouses Farm. Beltex - £76 High Underbrow Farm, £50 Burnt House. Swaledale - £65 Middle Sadghyll, £50 Yoad Pot. Texel - £60 Mint View, £60 1 Kirklands Road, £53 Low Hall Farm. Lleyn - £55 High Underbrow Farm. Rough Fell - £52 Low Deepslack, £50 The Syke, £47 High Borrowbridge. Jacob - £50 High Mill Farm.

More Info

Prime Lamb Show Results

Mr J Geldard

McVeigh Parker & Co (Amanda Williams) and Norjac (Bill Fazackerley)

Class one: Five Lowland Sired Lambs
1st JG & PH Thompson, Poppy Farm 43kg £107
2nd RH, M & S Boyren, Hill Park 43kg £86
3rd T & SM Park, Millom Castle 50kg £89.50

Class two: Pair of Beltex/Beltex x Lambs
1st AR & BJ Thompson, Poppy Farm 46kg £152
2nd L Beck, Weston Houses 41kg £118
3rd JG & PH Thompson, Poppy Farm 47kg £104

Class three: Five Mule/Masham Prime Lambs
1st AW & AM Clarke, Low Longmire 50kg £83.50
2nd P & TL Edmondson, Low Hall Farm 51kg £83.50
3rd R & EA Gardner, Barrowfield 52kg £84

Class four: Five Horned/Herdwick Prime Lambs
1st B & HM Wilson, Ashstead 48kg £75
2nd B & HM Wilson, Ashstead 42kg £70
3rd AW Morland, Coalbrookdale 37kg £61

Class five: Five Rough Fell Lambs
From RFSBA Members
1st TLB & J Knowles, High Borrowbridge 40kg £67
2nd AEA Harrison, Millriggs 48kg £74

Class six: Five Cheviot and Other Hill Breed Lambs
1st Low Moor Howe Farm, High House Farm 41kg £73.50
2nd RA Lancaster, Green Cottages 36kg £65

AR & BJ Thompson, Poppy Farm 46kg £152

Reserve Champion
L Beck, Weston Houses 41kg £118

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