
Lancaster Livestock Auction: Lancaster Weekly Sale of Prime Lambs & Cast Sheep, Monday 23rd September 2024.

Monday morning once again proving popular with vendors, with lambs selling to £175 and 365p/kg and cull sheep to £258.


137 cull sheep were forward today, which sold to an exceptional trade, with many saying ahead of other local centres. Best continental ewes sold to £222 for a Texel from J&S Winstanley, Clifton. Other continental cross ewes were regularly £135 to £155, with mediums £118 to £130. Mules sold to a top of £131 from J Pinder & Sons, Newton with other mediums Mules generally £100 to £115, with leaner types £75 to £90. Pure hill ewes sold to £122 for Lonks from J Pinder & Sons, Newton with Cheviots to £110 and Swaledale to £90. Medium hill ewes sold at £60 to £70, with leaner and lighter weights £45 to £55.
Cull rams sold to £258 for a Texel from T Carter, Bolton.
More ewes are required every week, to fulfil buyer demand.


Monday morning once again proving popular with vendors with 726 forward, selling to an overall market average of 280p/kg for lambs ranging from 29kg to 67kg. Well finished pure and three quarter bred lambs, were once again easily sold to an appreciative crowd of buyers. Topping at £175 from JR&LA Capstick, Killington with others at £168 from I Richardson, Catforth and T&E Burrow, Slyne. Numerous others in the chasing pack were £150 to £158. Well finished first cross lambs with weight and meat were regularly £136 to £145, with lighter weights £118 to £126. Mules sold to a top of £133, with other heavy weights at £131 and well finished standard weights £122 to £128. Several pens of light weight lambs saw the best Beltex to £120, with others £101 to £110. Super light weights sold at £82.50, with others £75 to £80.
A top price of 365p/kg was achieved for a Beltex cross from JR&LA Capstick, Killington, with others at 335p/kg from M Coxhead, Little Hool and J Twigge, Lindale. Other well finished pure and three quarter bred lambs were regularly 320p/kg to 340p/kg. Well finished first cross lambs were 290p/kg to 305p/kg, with grass finished lambs 270p/kg to 285p/kg. Best light weight lambs sold to 343p/kg, with others 290p/kg to 310p/kg.
Vendors are encouraged to feed lambs to ensure maximum returns. #LAMBS2LAM

Top Prices


Beltex: £175 Beckside, £168 West View Farm, £168 Throstle Grove Farm, £156 Hill View Farm, £156 Holmelands, £153 West View Farm. Texel: £156.50 Park Farm Barn, £155 Botton Hall Farm, £154.50, £154 Cottam Farm, £154 (x2) Mearsbeck Farm. Continental: £153 Mearsbeck Farm, £125 Holmelands, £101 Woodfold Lane. Dutch Spotted: £145 Holmelands. Charolais: £143 Throstle Grove Farm, £138 Holmelands, £136 Throstle Grove Farm, £133.50 Holmelands. Suffolk: £138 Park Farm Barn, £134 Maddison Aveune, £130 Walnut Tree Cottage, £130 Calderside Farm, £129 Maddison Aveune, £125 Wellington Crag Farm. Mule: £133 Burrow Heights Farm, £131 Park Farm Barn, £128.50 Calderside Farm, £122 Oak Aveune, £118.50 Botton Hall Farm, £114 High House Farm. Teeswater: £109 Middle Lee Farm. Masham: £106 Middle Lee Farm.


Texel: £222, £156 Savick Brook, £150 Hill Farm (x2), £145 Hill View Farm, £140 Old Waterslack Farm. Suffolk: £132, £131 Old Waterslack Farm. Mule: £131 Boarsden Farm, £120 Botton Hall Farm, £117 Maddison Aveune, £114 (x2) Walnut Tree Cottage, £108 Millbeck. Horned: £122, £102 Boarsden Farm. Continental: £115, £87 Old Waterslack Farm. Cheviot: £110 Savick Brook Farm, £85 Old Waterslack Farm. Swaledale: £90 Millbeck, £74, £69, £68 Marshaw Farm. Rough Fell: £60 Millbeck.


Texel: £258 Hill Farm.

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