More hoggs were forward, with new buyers around the ring ensuring a sharp trade. Texel hoggs topped at £210 from J France, Pilling with Beltexs to £208 from the same home and other pens to £206. Heavy Texel hoggs sold to £204 from GH Sanderson, Preston with many pens of heavy bred continental hoggs selling at £190 to £195. The best bred hoggs were keenly sort after, with Beltexs to 422p/kg from KA Purtill, Wigan and Texels to 420p/kg from the same home. Numerous pens were 400p/kg plus. A large offering of hill bred hoggs were forward, with Mules to £175 from DR Preston, Caton and a ring full of Mashams to £175 from T&D Wright, Wray. Pens of Cheviots sold to £171 from KA Purtill, Wigan with Lonks to £164 from S Bosworth, Burnley and Dalebreds to £158 A&MA Wright, Wray. A pen of 34kg well finished Dalesbred hoggs sold to £1230 or 362p/kg. A pen of 29kg Herdwicks sold to £97 from W Gardner, Brookhouse.
All ewes forward averaged £125, with the best seeing first cross Texels to £178 from TM Townley, Over Wyresdale and other pens of Texel ewes selling to £174 from GH Sanderson, Preston. Suffolks sold to £160 from E Lund & Son, Carnforth. The strongest Mules sold to £140 from J France, Pilling with other pens to £128 from J Burr, Over Wyresdale. Lonks sold to £126 from S Bosworth, Burnley who sold other pens to £112.
A real buzz was seen around the ewe and lamb ring and many more could have been easily sold to the vendors advantage. Aged Texel ewes with Beltex twin lambs from TR Gorst, Ellel who sold to £315 with other outfits with twins selling to £295. An aged Beltex cross ewe with a single Beltex lamb sold to £245 a unit or £122 a life. Other singles from the same home sold to £240 on three separate occasions. The run of aged Mule ewes with Texel twins from D&K Swarbrick, Out Rawcliffe saw their best sell to £255, with others to £250.
Vendors are urged to enter sheep with lambs at foot with confidence at Lancaster.