Spring Lambs
Todays sale saw 789 lambs through the Lancaster ring, achieving a market average of £124.22 per head or 296.67p/kg. Taking top spot this week was S Rossall, Over Wyresdale selling 49kg Texels to £156. Other noted consignments of Texels included H Birkett & Son, Overton selling to £146 at 47kg and K P Dragger, Catterall to £146 at 47kg with £145 being achieved on four occasions from B&M Slater, Chipping, A&E Clarkson, Thurnham, S Rossall, Over Wyresdale and B&J Preston, Caton. Suffolks sold to £154 at 51kg from KA Purtill, Wigan. S Wilson & Son, Scotforth sold 51kg Charollais lambs to £153 followed by a pen of three to £145 at 45kg’s from S Rossall. A few Dutch Spotted lambs were on the market today, achieving a top price of £133 from Charnleys, Preston. Topping the pence per kilo today was 40kg Texels achieving 345p/kg from JS Horner, Ingleton closely followed by 340p/kg for 40kg Texels from S Wilson & Son, Scotforth.
Prime Hoggs
A small entry of prime hoggs saw pens of Horned hoggs achieve £100 from DC&E Miller, Claughton on Brock.
Cast Sheep
The largest entry of cast ewes seen for some time at Lancaster, as 446 sheep were put before our busy ring of buyers keen to secure all classes and types. Leading the way was a Leicester ram from DC&E Miller, Claughton on Brock selling to £195 with others from the same home achieving £160. All cast rams forward averaged £142.40.
Texel ewes were a flying trade topping at £166 from PF Lee, Over Wyresdale followed by a pair from the same good home achieving £165. Not far behind also with pens of Texels was JS Horner, Ingleton at £159 and E Hartley, Lancaster at £150. The 42 Texel ewes forward sold to an overall average of £129.07. Suffolk ewes peaked at £136 from B&J Preston, Caton. Leicester ewes sold to a top of £134 for a pair from RH&C Ayrton & Son, Abbeystead with other pens to £124. The 105 Mule ewes forward sold to an overall market average of £117.86 with the best selling to £137 from S Wilson & Son, Scotforth, closely followed by £136 from both J Burr, Littledale and T&EA Garth, Bleasdale. A larger entry of hill ewes were on the market today, with Lonks to £130 from A Brown, Littledale, Cheviots to £120 from S Wilson & Son, Scotforth and Swaledales reaching £111 from DC&EM Miller, Claughton on Brock and Dalesbreds achieving the same price from the same home.