
Lancaster Livestock Auction: Lancaster Calves, OTM and Store Cattle, Friday 18th February 2022

Calves and Weanlings
A slightly reduced entry of 57 calves forward, which met a strong demand with more beef calves required, which could have easily been sold. The consignment from JP&C Robson, Garstang led the way selling British Blue bulls to £435, £420 and Aberdeen Angus bulls to £420. All British Blue bull calves forward today averaged exactly £400. Limousin bull calves at three weeks old sold to £350 from D&K Howarth, Poulton Le Fylde. A large proportion of dairy bull calves forward today saw the consignment from JR Newsham & Son, Conder Green lead the way selling Montbeliardes to £395 and £380, with Fleckviehs to £330. Holstein Friesian calves peaked at £180 from Karen Parkinson, Out Rawcliffe, with others selling to £135 twice. This was followed by others to £120 from A&MI Robinson, Penrith. New Zealand type grazing bull calves at two weeks old sold to £55 from B&JC Carr & Son, Forton.

Store Cattle
The weekly sale of store cattle at Lancaster saw 170 going through the ring, with a number of cattle missing due to storm Eunice. There was no let up in trade as the majority of buyers braved the elements to attend Lancasters popular weekly sale. Leading the way was PM&ST Entwistle, Abbeystead with a cracking pair of Limousin bullocks at £1580, not far behind was L Parsons & Son, Levens at £1540 also with Limousins. Hereford bullocks continued to be a strong trade, topping at £1400 from J Prest & Son, Bay Horse, with others to £1370 from J Tattersall, Preston. Aberdeen Angus steers are always good to sell at Lancaster, with consignment from FJ&R Coar, Cow Ark topping at £1360.
Dairy steers topped at £1290 for a pen of five Friesians from J Prest & Son, Bay Horse, with others at £1210 from EE Thornton & Son, Heaton with Oxcliffe. Numerous steers today sold in excess of the £1250 mark, with all forward averaging £1160.
The store heifer trade saw Aberdeen Angus’s once again top the leader board with a trio at £1370 from L Parsons & Son, Levens. A pair of Charolais heifers from WA Hodgson, Whinfell sold at £1350, with others from the same good home to £1240. A pen full of British Blues from G Atkinson & Son, Lancaster achieved £1290, with others at £1280 from H&JA Gorst, Calder Vale. All heifers forward averaged £1135.
Just a handful of store bulls on the market today, topping at £1340 for Aberdeen Angus’s from G Metcalfe & Son, Gressingham.

OTM Cattle
Lancaster once again boasted a strong average of 152p/kg. It was British Blue OTM steers which led the way today, selling 217.5p/kg and 214p/kg or £1265 from T&E Burrow, Slyne. The OTM dairy heifer trade continues to be very buoyant as Holstein heifers sold to 204.5p/kg or £1216 from J Bargh & Son, Heaton with Oxcliffe whom sold others to 199.5p/kg. Holstein OTM heifers topped at £1224 from J&I Whittaker, Clapham. OTM Black & White bullocks peaked at £1219 from TM Gardner, Tattham. Beef cast cows today reached hights not seen for some time, with an eight year old Charolais selling to 194.5p/kg or £1596 from T&P Metcalfe, Wennington. Dairy cows peaked at 171.5p/kg for a Holstein from RG&B Lewis, Kirkby Lonsdale, with the same price achieved for a Montbeliarde from A&FM Bolland & Son, Ellel. Numerous of the best dairy cows regularly selling in between 160-170p/kg. Holstein cows today peaked at £1423 for an eight years old from J&G Thornley, Roseacre. Noted prices for dairy cows being £1358 for Holsteins, £1287 for Montbeliards both from A&FM Bolland & Sons, Ellel, £1337 for a Holstein from RG&B Lewis, Kirkby Lonsdale and £1274 from J Burrow & Son, Barton, with many more selling in excess of the £1200 mark.

Top Prices

HFD: £400 Booth Hall.

BB: £435 £425 Roe Farm. AA: £420 Roe Farm, £300 Cocker House Farm, £240 Liscoe Farm. MONT: £395 £380 Sellerley Farm. LIM: £350 Rose Farm. FKV: £330 £275 Sellerley Farm. FRI: £180 £135 Liscoe Farm, £120 £100 Hall Farm.

FRI: £300 £240 Tunstall Hall.

LIM: £550 Tunstall Hall.

OTM Cattle
Leading prices per head
Charolais: £1596.85 Forgewood House, £1233.63 Manor House Farm, £1054.73 Breedy Butts Farm. Friesian: £1423.75 Derby Lodge Farm, £1358.72 Yeat House, £1337.70 Bainsbank Farm, £1274.24 Tunsteads Farm, £1261.32 Greenalls Farm. Montbeliarde: £1287.81 Yeat House, £1094.63 White Lund Farm. Limousin: £1220.60, £1213.13 Dubside. Hereford: £1220.38 Little Crimbles. Shorthorn: £1033.04 Manor House Farm. Simmental: £903.83 Park House Farm.
Friesian: £1224.50 Bowsber Farm, £1216.78 North Farm, £906.83 Myers Farm.
British Blue: £1265.55, £1185.38 Throstle Grove Farm.
Montbeliarde: £1335.98 Staffords Farm.
Leading prices per kilo
Charolais: 194.5p Forgewood House, 177.5p Manor House Farm, 171.5p Breedy Butts Farm. Hereford: 189.5p Little Crimbles. Friesian: 189.5p Yeat House, 171.5p Bainsbank Farm, 169.5p Holme House Farm, 167.5p Derby Lodge Farm, 161.5p Tunsteads Farm, Greenalls Farm. Limousin: 187.5p 179.5p Dubside. Shorthorn: 174.5p, 164.5p Manor House Farm. Montbeliarde: 174.5p Yaet House, 167.5p Sellerley Farm, 157.5p White Lund Farm. Simmental: 154.5p Park House Farm. Swedish Red: 119.5p White Lund Farm. Jersey: 104.5p Gibralter Farm.
Friesian: 204.5p North Farm, 197.5p Bowsbers Farm, 169.5p Myers Farm, 129.5p Tunstall Hall.
British Blue: 217.5p, 214.5p Throstle Grove Farm.
Montbeliarde: 189.5p Staffords Farm.

Store Cattle

Limousin: £1580 Lentworth Farm, £1540 Low Levens, £1360 Sykes Farm, £1070 Broughton House Farm. Aberdeen Angus: £1500 Low Levens, £1360 Higher Lees Farm, £1310 Gulf Farm, £1300 Stubb Hall Farm. Hereford: £1400 Upper Foxholes Farm, £1370 Snub Snape Farm, £1300 Lynwood, £1240 Carlingwha, £1040 Lundholme. Shorthorn: £1360 Upper Foxholes Farm, £1170 Mill House Farm. Friesian: £1290 Upper Foxholes Farm, £1210 Downlands Farm, £1180 Barn Hill Farm. British Blue: £1280 Shaws Farm, £1210 Windy Hill Farm, £1020 Broughton House Farm, £1000 Plumpton Hall Farm. Fleckvieh: £1020 Mearsbeck Farm. Simmental: £1260 The Old Stable. Charolais: £1100 Little Crimbles. Ayrshire: £840 Mill House Farm.
Aberdeen Angus: £1370 Low Levens, £1280 Ellers Farm, £1260 Chestnut House Farm, £1140 Downlands Farm, £1110 Mill House Farm, £1060 Half Way House. Charolais: £1350 Whelpside Farm, £1230 Carlingwha, £900 Bowlands Gardens. British Blue: £1290 Old Hall Farm, £1180 Proctors Row, Savick Brook Farm, £1160 Windy Hill Farm, £1000 Plumpton Hall Farm. Hereford: £1200(2) Proctors Row, £1110 Steadbank, Stubb Hall Farm, Carlingwha. Simmental: £1200 Sykes Fold Farm. Limousin: £1100 High House Farm, £1080 Chestnut House Farm, £970 Little Crimbles.
Aberdeen Angus: £1340 Fleets Farm. Limousin: £1090 Breedy Butts Farm.

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