
Lancaster Livestock Auction: Lancaster Calves, OTM and Store Cattle - Friday 29th October 2021


What a difference a week makes, there was far more interest in calves this week and it was great to have a full ring of buyers and spectators in attendance which helped to ensure a sharper trade. There was an entry of 73 calves forward this week, which saw the consignment of British Blue bulls from J&G Thornley, Roseacre sell to £515 and £510, British Blue heifers from the same home achieved £360. A consignment of Limousin calves from DJ Clark Farming, Barnacre sold bull calves to £440 and £400, with heifer calves selling to £360. Six-week-old British Blue bull calves from Lawsons Farms, Cockerham sold to £380. Aberdeen Angus bull calves this week sold to a top of £340 from JE&J Pye & Son, Quernmore, with others to £330 from Wannop farms, Heaton with Oxcliffe. Heifers were a sharper trade this week, a five-week-old Charolais sold to £315 from GJ&G Billington, Garstang. Dairy bull calves were in strong demand today, which saw Fleckviehs sell to £285 from EW&RM Towers, Hornby, Black and White weanlings selling to £240, £235 and £230 twice from RE&P Miller, Barnacre. Black and White rearing calves sold to a top of £165 from Wannop Farms.
The monthly sale of stirks at Lancaster had an entry of just over 100 forward, the trade saw good quality bullock stirks in big demand and meeting a strong trade, plainer and stunted types met realisation, with the heifers well bid for but native heifers still looking good value for money. 7-month-old Limousin bullocks led the way selling to £820 from PJ Holt & Sons, Little Thornton with yearling British Blue bullocks selling to £810 from H&C Pickervance, Roseacre. Native bullocks saw 7–8-month-old Herefords sell to £790 from R&A Jolleys, Cabus. Plenty of pens of nicely grown 6–8-month-old bullocks regularly selling in the mid seven hundreds. Black and White bullocks sold to a top of £700 from BN Greenwood, Catterall, with 7-month-old Montbeliarde bullocks to £690 from EW & RM Towers, Hornby.
The heifer trade peaked at £690 and £680 from PJ Holt & Sons, Little Thornton with 6-month-old Limousin heifers. Yearling British Blue heifers twice sold to £660 from H&C Pickervance, Roseacre and G&ME Woodhouse & Son, Ellel.


It was noted today in Lancaster that fleshed cattle were met with a sharper trade. Hitting the high spot of £1480 today were British Blue bullocks consigned by JM&AG Swarbrick, Out Rawcliffe. Other Continental bullocks peaked at £1360 from Barlow Bros, Croston, with the Limousin trade peaking at £1320 from TE JS SA Carruthers, Underbarrow. Native steers continue to be a strong trade in Lancaster as Aberdeen Angus Bullocks twice peaked at £1440 firstly from AG Stafford, Out Rawcliffe and then from J Hesketh, Hutton. Hereford bullocks peaked at £1400 from AG Stafford, plenty more pens of native bred bullocks easily selling into the £1300’s. Topping the heifer trade this week was Beef Shorthorns selling to £1380 and £1370 from R&EA Gardner, Briggsteer. Black and White bullocks peaked at £1300 from JM&AG Swarbrick, Out Rawcliffe. All steers in the market today sold to an overall market average of £1109.


Lancaster had another good entry of 102 cast cows forward this week, considering the amount of leaner type cows forward today there was an overall market average of 125p/kg. OTM Aberdeen Angus heifers sold to 214.5p/kg from G&D Ball & Son, Little Eccleston, with Limousin OTM heifers sell to 199.5p/kg from RH&RA Fawcett, Burton whom sold Black and White steers to a top of 194.5p/kg. Black and White feeding heifers sold to 184.5p/kg from W&S Airey, Whittington. Fleshed beef cows today were in strong demand today in Lancaster topping at 181.5p/kg for Limousins from TR Prickett, Hutton Roof. Limousin cows peaked at £1382 per head from RHM&S Boyren, Ulverston. Black and White dairy cows sold to 141.5p/kg from SW&K Metcalf & Son, Whittington or a top price of the day of £1124.

Top Prices


Heifer Calve Top Prices:

Limousin - £510 Kellbrick Farm, £360 Kellbrick Farm. British Blue - £360 Derby Lodge Farm, £2230 Holme Head, £155Heaton Hall Farm. Charolais - £315 Myercough House. Aberdeen Angus - £280 Derby Lodge Farm, £185 Throstle Nest Farm, £170 Throstle Nest Farms, £165 Rose Farm, £160 Throstle Nest Farm, £160 Sweetings Farm. Simmental - £230 Myercough House. Friesian - £145 Home Head.

Bull Calve Top Prices:

British Blue - £515 Derby Lodge Farm, £510 Derby Lodge Farm, £380 Sweetings Farm, £270 Sweetings Farm, £250 Sweetings Farm, £245 Sweetings Farm. Limousin - £440 Kellbrick Farm, £400 Kellbrick Farm, £250 Rose Farm. Aberdeen Angus - £340 Gibsons Farm, £330 Heaton Hall Farm, £290 Gibsons Farm, £290 Myercough House, £280 Sweetings Farm, £270 Gibsons Farm. Fleckvieh - £285 Holme Head, £195 Holme Head, £180 Holme Head, £170 x1 Holme Head, £150 Cragg Farm. Simmental - £255 Myrescough House. Friesian - £240 Lower Lingart Farm, £235 Lower Lingart Farm, £230 x2 Lower Lingart Farm, £215 Lower Lingart Farm, £165 Heaton Hall Farm. Norwegian Red - £50 Holme Head.

Aberdeen Angus – £400 Brickhouse Farm, £330 Helks Farm, £260 Slack Farm. Holstein Friesian - £355, £200 Abbey House.

Limousin - £690, £680, £640, £620 Breedy Butts Farm, £600 Hare Apple Tree. British Blue - £660 Boldens Farm, Roseacre Hall, £640, £635, £630 Boldens Farm, £585 Hare Apple Tree. Hereford - £600 Birkland Barrow, £480 Marlholes Farm, £400 Breedy Butts Farm, £330 Birkland Barrow. Aberdeen Angus - £560 Marlholes Farm. Simmental - £450 Hare Apple Tree. Holstein Friesian - £200 Hare Apple Tree.

Limousin - £820, £780 Breedy Butts Farm, £780, £645 Hare Apple Tree. British Blue - £810 Roseacre Hall, £780, £710, £705 Swallowmire, £600 Holme Head. Hereford - £790 Marlholes Farm. Simmental - £740, £730 Lower Red Lees Farm, £690 Swallowmire. Holstein Friesian - £700 Daniel Fold Farm, £580 Birkland Barrow, £500 Marlholes Farm. Aberdeen Angus - £700 Hare Apple Tree, £680 Marlholes Farm, £460 Walkers I’th Fields. Montbeliarde - £690, £390 Holme Head. Flekvieh - £560, £500 Holme Head. Norwegian Red - £500, £390 Holme Head.

British Blue - £1480 Bensons Farm, £1300 Low Groves Farm, £1290 Carlingwha, £1240 Fellside Farm, £1160 Summerlands, £1110 Old Hall Farm. Aberdeen Angus - £1440 Middle Grange Farm, Birch Croft, £1360 Middle Grange Farm, Yew Tree Farm, £1350 Steadbank, £1320 Birch Croft. Hereford - £1400, £1280 Birch Croft, £1240 Brow Foot Farm, £900, £890 Dubside, £840 Yeat House. Simmental - £1360 Littlewood Hall Farm, £1220 Summerlands. Beef Shorthorn - £1350 Barrowfield, £1310 Yew Tree Farm, £940 Little Crimbles, £850 Manor House Farm. Limousin - £1320 Red Scar Farm, £1280, £1080 Greenways, £1070 Thornton Barn Farm, Pennine Way, Moss Croft. Holstein Friesian - £1300 Bensons Farm, £1160 Yew Tree Farm, £1050 Downlands Farm, £940 Hallbeck, Hall Farm, £810 Holmes Farm. Charolais - £1200 New Ridge Farm, £950 Manor House Farm. Blonde D’Aquitaine - £1170 Fellside Farm. Flekvieh - £1090 Red Scar Farm, £1060 Hall Bank. Meuse Rhine Issel - £1030 Littlewood Hall Farm.

Beef Shorthorn - £1380, £1370 Barrowfield. Limousin - £1290, £1220 Low Levens, £1060 Stubb Place Farm, £790, £770 Gibsons Farm, £700 Bull Bank Farm. British Blue - £1250 Low Levens, £1220 Pasture House Farm, £1080 Windy Hill Farm, £890, £880 Walkers I’th Fields. Hereford - £1220 Pasture House Farm, £1180 Brow Foot Farm, £1170 Pasture House Farm, £1100 Brow Foot Farm, £1090 High Snab, £790 Yeat House. Aberdeen Angus - £1200 Hallbeck, £1140 Brown Edge, £1120 Steadbank, £1110 Brickhouse, £1100 Bankfield Farm, £1080 Snub Snape Farm. Holstein Friesian - £940, £930 Hallbeck, £760 Barn Hill Farm, £500 Walkers I’th Fields. Charolais - £910, £870 Manor House Farm.


OTM Cow Top Prices Per Head:
British Blue - £1238.55 Tewifield Farm, £1155.98 Tewitfield Farm. Limousin - £1382.15 Hill Park, £1151.50 Rye Close, £1104.81 Bank Farm, £1085.28 Field Head, £1080.16 Hutton Roof Hall, £1050.89. Aberdeen Angus - £1260.05 Woodstock, £1139 Woodstock. Friesian - £1124.93 Holme House Farm, £1100 Boon Town Farm, £1065.63 Sweetings Farm, £1028 High Snab, £1016.13 High Snab, £968.40 Lower Lingart Farm. Shorthorn - £990.50 Rye Close. Continental - £986.25 Town End.

OTM Heifer Top Prices Per Head:
Limousin - £1051.37 Green Dragon Farm. Friesian - £1143.42 High Snab, £1142.98 Stubb Place Farm, £981.54 West Hall.

OTM Cow Top Price Per Kilo:
Aberdeen Angus – 214.5 Woodstock, 159.5 Woodstock. Simmental – 194.5 Park House Farm, 194.5 Park House Farm, 149.5 Sykes Fold Farm. Limousin – 181.5 Hutton Roof Hall, 179.5 Hill Park, 174.5 Hutton Roof Hall, 164.5 Rye Close, 161.5 Field Head, 149.5 Bank Field Farm. British Blue – 179.5 Tewitfield Farm, 179.5 Tewitfield Farm. Friesian – 141.5 Myercough House, 141.5 Holme House Farm, 137.5 Boon Town Farm, 137.5 High Snab, 137.5 Sweetings Farm, 134.5 Holme House Farm. Shorthorn – 141.5 Rye Close. Continental – 131.5 Town End, 127.5 Town End.

Cast Steer Top Price Per Head:
Limousin - £1049.75 Abbotson Farm, £879.55 Green Dragon Farm. Friesian - £1015.29 Green Dragon Farm.

Cast Bull Top Price Per Head:
Limousin - £1071.13 Hill Park.OTM

Heifer Top Price Per Kilo:

Limousin – 199.5 Green Dragon Farm. Friesian – 184.5 West Hall, 179.5 West Hall, 179.5 High Snab, 174.5 Stubb Place Farm, 159.5 West Hall, 157.5 West Hall.

Cast Steer Top Price Per Kilo:
Friesian – 194.5 Green Dragon. Limousin – 179.5 Green Dragon, 161.5 Abbotson Farm.

Cast Bull Top Price Per Kilo:
Limousin - 137.5 Hill Park.

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