
Lancaster Livestock Auction: Dairy Cattle - Tuesday 19th May

Goadsbarrow Dispersal sells to £2720 at NWA Lancaster

After a short break due to Covid-19 restrictions, North West Auctions were pleased to re-establish its popular monthly dairy sale at NWA Lancaster under the guidance of the Auctioneer Matthew Probert. This sale had an increased entry of cattle forward than recent sales, with several new and returning customers in attendance keen to support this sale. Vendors are thanked for their support and entrusting NWA to sell their stock on their behalf under the current ‘Drop & Go’ policy.

A feature of this sale was the first part dispersal of the ‘Goadsbarrow’ pedigree herd on behalf of AV Lord & Co, Aldingham, Cumbria. Buyers were in attendance from throughout the Northern Counties, Midlands and Wales, with additional telephone bids received from clients in Ireland and Scotland. Purchasers were attracted to this sale by the depth of pedigree of the cows, which boasted some of the best milk production records seen for a long-time which Messrs Lord must be congratulated on.

The dispersal sale peaked at £2720 for ‘Goadsbarrow Sincere 54’ classified VG88 which is bred from three generations of VG and EX cows, currently giving a daily yield of 52 litres. She was successfully purchased by P Halhead, Cockerham. Other cows of particular interest included, ‘Goadsbarrow Flo 10’, giving a daily yield of 32 litres and scanned in-calf to ‘Hillhead Balance’ which sold for a final bid of £1780 to RH & J Vickery, Clitheroe. This was closely followed by ‘Goadsbarrow Sincere 53’ classified VG86, which caught the eye of several ringside admirers and sold at a final bid of £1750 to JH & JB Taylor, Penrith.

Other dispersal cows regularly sold from £1400 to £1600, with all dispersal cows forward averaging £1575. Heifers from The Goadsbarrow dispersal sold to £2080 for ‘Goadsbarrow Sincere 64’ which was bred from 3 generations of excellent cows and giving a daily yield of 30 litres selling to Wannops Farms Ltd, Morecambe, who also paid £2000 for ‘Goadsbarrow Dusky 38’.

The Monthly collective sale of pedigree and commercial cattle saw a top price of £2150 achieved by Drinkall Bros, Abbystead who sold ‘Pennine Snowdrift 98’ giving a daily yield of 34 litres to Wannops Farms Ltd. B & V Swann, Chorley sold ‘Carwood Sketch Honeybee 112’ at £2100 giving a daily yield of 35 litres to Messrs Dixon, Penrith who also paid £1980 for ‘Carwood Oakwood Belle 76’ also consigned from Messrs Swann. R & A Jolley, Garstang successfully sold ‘Robanne Bullseye Sarah’, giving a daily yield of 31 litres to a final bid of £1780 selling to Wannops Farms Ltd. All collective sale heifers averaged £1808.

NWA would like to thank all vendors and purchasers for their support of the dairy sale, with the next sale on the Tuesday 16th June catalogue entries closing Tuesday 9th June at 12noon.

NWA regularly undertake full and part dispersals alongside the monthly collective sale at NWA Lancaster and private farm to farm sales.

For all dairy sale enquiries please contact Matthew Probert on 07540 446667.


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North West Auctions is a limited company registered in England and Wales. Registered office: J36 Rural Auction Centre, Crooklands, Milnthorpe, Cumbria LA7 7FP. Registered number: 03950131
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