
Lancaster Livestock Auction: Store Cattle - Friday 31st January

Store Cattle

All Store Cattle at Lancaster today sold to a market average well over £1000, once again. Leading the way this week was Angus bullocks selling to £1300 from J Hesketh, Hutton who other Angus bullocks to £1210. L & A Duckett, High Bartle sold Angus bullocks to £1260. All Angus bullocks averaged £1122. Continental bullocks topped at £1280 from H Chapman & Son, Middleton with Limousins. Saler bullocks from the same home sold to £1200. Other Continental bullocks saw Limousins sell to £1190 and £1180 from DE & SM Moorhouse, Natland and £1180 from A & M Brennand & Son, Chapel le Dale. All Limousin bullocks sold to an average £1123. Heifers sold to a top of £1180 for British Blues from K & DE Woodhouse, Ellel. All British Blue heifers averaged £1075. Hereford heifers topped at £1140 from J Hesketh, Hutton. Black and white bullocks topped at £1130 from W & A Cardwell, Stalmine, with many pens of strong bullocks selling in excess of the £1000 mark and forward averaging £896.

OTM Cattle

There was an entry of 99 cast cow and OTM cattle at Lancaster today which saw well-fleshed cattle continue to be a strong trade with leaner types selling to a sharper trade. Topping the market at 199.5p/kg or £1121 was OTM Limousin heifers from B & SE Carter, Ellel closely followed by 184.5p/kg or £1038 from JS & KM Wilson & Son, Helsington. OTM Cast Steers saw Limousin sell to 181.5p/kg or £1352 from DE & SM Moorhouse, Natland with Angus’ selling to 174.5p/kg or £1280 from RJ Cardwell, Esprick. Stabiliser cows topped at 174.5p/kg from MG & HM Capstick, Milnthorpe with Limousin cows twice topped at 164.5p/kg from Limousins firstly from ST Birkett & Son, Carnforth grossing £1187 followed by F & E Harrison, Wray grossing £1019. Plenty of beef cows sold around the 150p/kg. Black and white cows sold to a top of 131.5p/kg firstly from L Burrow & Sons, Lower Tatham grossing £1069, which was the top-grossing dairy cow, then from C & B Cummings & Son, Preesall grossing £934. Plenty more well-fleshed dairy cows sold in the late one twenties. Beef cows sold to top price per head of £1273 for Charolais from P & SA Edmondson, Stainton. Other dairy cows sold to £1061 from Drinkall Bros, Over Wyresdale.

17 Cattle sold in excess of the £1000 mark today and all cattle averaged 124.5p/kg.

Calves & Stirks

Lancaster Auction Mart held it’s renowned monthly stirk sale that continues to grow in reputation each month amongst vendors and buyers in which more numbers are required and could easily be handled. There was 154 stirks this month, leading the way today was yearling Limousin bullocks selling to £760 from KA Purtill, Wigan. British Blue bullocks at 10-months-old peaked at £740 from PF Lee, Over Wyresdale with 10-month-old Hereford bullocks selling to £735 from JS Taylor, Lancaster. Other 8-month-old British Blue bullocks sold to £700 from KA Purtill. Plenty of pens of 8-12-month-old bullocks sold in the mid to late £600s.

Heifer stirks peaked at £760 for Simmentals from JR Newsham & Sons, Conder Green. Closely followed by the consignment from JE Harrison, Kirkham selling British Blue heifers to £740 and £690. Bull stirks topped at £570 for 8-month-old British Blues from WJ & EA Woodhouse, Nateby with 6-month-old British blues selling to £565 from JK & B Birkett & Son, Morecambe.

Dairy bullocks saw Montbeliardes sell to £570 twice from GR & B Mason, Warton and H Morgan, Stalmine. Yearling black and white bullocks peaked at £565 from R & J Parkinson, Preesall with others to £540 from WJ & EA Woodhouse, Nateby. Friesian bulls sold to a top of £505 from G Rawlinson, Manchester.

The weekly sale of calves had a reduced entry of 24 due to the stirk sale but a strong trade was seen where more could have easily been sold. Topping market was a Simmental bull at £320 from JR Newsham & Son, Conder Green with Hereford bulls from the same home topping £275 who also sold Simmental heifers to the same price. British Blue heifers topped at £280, twice from DR & C Galbraith, Grayrigg and Drinkall Bros, Over Wryresdale. Angus bull calves peaked at £270 from F & M Coar, Clitheroe. Plenty of beef calves easily sold in excess of the £200 mark. Black and whites this week sold to £58 from Drinkall Bros.

Top Prices

Store Bullock 

Aberdeen Angus £1300 Middle Ridge Grange, £1260 Tabley House Farm, £1210 Middle Grange Farm, £1140 Benson Hall, Ivy Barn. Limousin £1280 Millbeck, £1190, £1180 High House, £1180 Lentworth Farm, Ellerbeck Farm. Saler £1200 Millbeck. Blonde £1160 Moss Cottage. British Blue £1140 Old Glasson Farm, £1130 Kitchen Ground Farm, £1120 Tabley House Farm, £1100, £1080 Kitchen Ground Farm. Friesian £1130 Well House Farm, £1040 Old Glasson Farm, Low Levens, £960 Old Glasson Farm, £950 Staffords Farm. Hereford £1120 Moorland Cottage, £1030 Corney Hill Farm, £960 Windy Hill Farm. Simmental £1100 Ivy Barn. Charolais £1070 Holme House, £960 Corney Hill Farm. Montbeliarde £980 Staffords Farm. Shorthorn £950 Barrowfield.

Store Heifer

British Blue £1180 Kitchen Ground Farm, £1060 Walmsley Fold, £1020 Kitchen Ground Farm, £1000 Walmsley Fold, £910 Corney Hill Farm. Hereford £1140 Middle Grange Farm, £950 Holme House, £910 Corney Hill Farm, £900 Ghyll Beck Farm. Aberdeen Angus £1120 High House, £1100 Thorns Farm, £1080 Middle Grange Farm, £1070 Ghyll Beck Farm, £1000 Holmes Farm. Limousin £1120 High Wood, £1090 Cragg End, £980 Fell End Farm, £960 High House Farm. Charolais £1120 High House, £980 Corney Hill Farm. Friesian £950 Boldens Farm. Simmental £1110 Greenlands Farm, £1090 Pilling Farm, £1000, £940, £920 Masongill Hall. Stabiliser £1030 Low Foulshaw Farm. Shorthorn £930 Low Groves Farm.

Store Bull

Aberdeen Angus £1010 Low Levens.


Stabiliser 174.5 Park House Farm, 149.5, 147.5 Low Foulshaw Farm. Limousin 164.5 Hall Croft Barn, Birks Farm, 157.5, 151.5, 134.5 Intack Farm. Belgium Blue 144.5 Cragg End. Friesian 144.5 Bannister Farm, 131.5 Parrox Hall Farm, Mealbank Farm, 129.5 Barnfield Farm, Catshaw Hall Farm. Charolais 141.5 Low Barrows Green. British Blue 139.5 Low Barrows Green. Ayrshire 127.5 Rose Farm, 119.5 Sandvilla. Aberdeen Angus 127.5, 119.5, 111.5 Intack Farm. Norwegian Red 111.5 Hawkrigg Farm.

OTM Heifer

Limousin 199.5 Cragg End, 184.5 High House. Friesian 159.5, 149.5 Walker I’th Fields, 144.5, 131.5 Butler Arms Farm, 124.5 Crook Farm. Swedish Red & White 159.5 Sandvilla. British Blue 147.5 Farmhouse Farm.

Cast Steer

Limousin 181.5 High House Farm. Aberdeen Angus 174.5 Croft House, 134.5 Croft House. British Blue 129.5 Croft House.

Cast Bull

Aberdeen Angus 131.5 Arnside Tower Farm.

Heifer Calf

British Blue £280 Sunny Bank, Catshaw Hall Farm, £220 Sunny Bank. Simmental £275, £255 Sellerley Farm. Limousin £235 Gibsons Farm. Aberdeen Angus £170 Fields Farm, £100 Sunny Bank.

Bull Calf

Simmental £320 Sellerley Farm, £225 Forton Hall Farm. Hereford £275 Sellerley Farm. Aberdeen Angus £270 Fields Farm, £160 Forton Hall Farm. British Blue £255 Catshaw Hall Farm, £235, £120 North Farm.Friesian £58, £50 Catshaw Hall Farm.

Steer Calf

Limousin £225 Gibsons Farm.

Bull Stirk

British Blue £570 Gibsons Farm, £565 White Lund Farm, £500 Moss House Farm. Aberdeen Angus £555 Gibsons Farm, £550 White Lund Farm. Friesian £505, £445 Redchalis Farm.

Heifer Stirk

Simmental £760 Sellerley Farm, £630 Bambers Farm, £610 Sellerley Farm. British Blue £740, £690 Tunstead Farm, £595 Slack Farm. Limousin £610 Marlholes Farm, £560 Springfield House, £555 Oak Avenue. Hereford £610 Sellerley Farm, £410 Moss House Farm, £400 Birkland Barrow. Aberdeen Angus £590 Springfield House, £490 Gibsons Farm, £465 Slack Farm, £465 Moss House Farm. Montbeliarde £530 Hillock Farm. Friesian £305 Bambers Farm.

Steer Stirk

Limousin £760, £675 Oak Avenue, £570 Marlholes Farm. Hereford £735 Farmdale Road. British Blue £740 Lower Swainhead, £700 Oak Avenue, £680 Tunstead Farm, Higher Brundhurst. Simmental £685 Bambers Farm. Aberdeen Angus £670 Oak Avenue, £550 Springfield House, £540 Slack Farm. Montbeliarde £570 Hillock Farm, West Lyn, £550 Hillock Farm. Friesian £565 Springfield House, £540 Gibsons Farm, £465 Marlholes Farm. Welsh Black £540 Springfield House.

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