Prime Lambs
The weekly sale of Prime Lambs at Lancaster this week had a larger entry forward, selling to a sharper trade with an overall market average of 159p/kg. Well-fleshed Continental and Suffolk lambs weighing between 44kg and 50kg were in strongest demand and easiest to sell. More of these types of lambs are required each week to fulfil buyers’ requirements. Leading the way this week at £90 was Texel lambs from B & SE Carter, Ellel weighing 46kg, purchased by Gregory Williams Butchers of Lancaster. This was closely followed by AG Butler’s consignment of lambs selling to £85.50 and £84. Other Texel lambs from J & R Waller, Killington selling to £83m £80.50 and £80 with Texels from G, GU & D Swarbrick, Grange-over-Sands selling to £80. Texels from Bargh Contractors, Heaton-with-Oxcliffe twice sold to £70 with others to the same price from PM & ST Entwistle to the same price. Plenty of pens of well-meated mid to late 40kg lambs easily selling in the seventies. Mule lambs sold to a top of £68.50 from B & SE Carter, Ellel.
Cast Sheep
A few less Cast Sheep on the market today saw the trade top at £77 for Texel x ewes from Bargh Contractors, Heaton-with-Oxcliffe. Mule ewes sold to £72 from H Birkett & Son, Overton. Goats sold to a top of £50 from SE Peacock, Cockerham.
Store Lambs
A small entry of Store Lambs forward this week as there is in excess of 300 entered for the Hill Fair Sale on Saturday 5th October, the consignment of Texel x Cheviot from SE & J Gorst, Littledale sold to £55 and £52 with all Store Lambs forward averaging £51.87.