
Lancaster Livestock Auction: Store Cattle - Friday 17th May

Store Cattle

The weekly sale of Store Cattle saw all types sharper which included plenty of men ring side looking for younger grazing stock. Leading the way this week was two year old Limousin bullocks from DE & SM Moorhouse, Natland selling to £1350 with two year old Charolais bullocks from the same home selling to £1300. Aberdeen Angus bullocks topped at £1290, twice, for a pen of four G Sagar & Son, Caton and J & R Waller, Killington. Angus heifers sold to £1260 from G Sagar & Son with heifers from J & R Waller selling to £1240. Other notable prices for the day were Limousin bullocks selling to £1240 from DE & SM Moorhouse and also from R Collinge & Son, Kirkham with other Limousin bullocks selling to £1220 from FK & F Woodhouse, Scorton. Herefords topped at £1200 from G Sagar & Son. Dairy bred bullocks saw Fleckviehs sell to £1140 from H Whiteside, Pilling with other Fleckviehs selling to £1060 from JH Bland & Son, Levens with black and white bullocks selling to £1020, £1010 and £1000.

OTM Cattle

The trade for Cast Cows at Lancaster was very similar to previous weeks with a large entry of beef cows forward, which included feeding cows that were a sharper trade this week. OTM heifers sold to a top of 177.5p/kg for Montbeliardes from JR Pye, Stalmine. Herefords sold to 174.5p/kg from TW Nelson & Son, Stainton and Black and whites sold to 169.5p/kg from GA & A Atkinson, Cantsfield. OTM Black and white heifers topped at £1080 from R & E Ladds, Kendal. Cows sold to a top of 171.5p/kg and 169.5p/kg from RH & C Ayrton, Abbeystead. Other beef cows sold to 151.5p/kg for Limousins from JE & AC Clarke & Son, Melling with 149.5p/kg achieved several times for Bazadaise from FA Nowell & Partners, Bentham, for Limousins from JM & KE Ellis, New Hutton, for British Blues from J & A Smales, Ingleton and for Charolais from M & C Greenwood, Middleton. Black and whites sold to a top of 139.5p/kg from GR Park & Sons, Whinfell, who sold others to 134.5p/kg.

All cows forward sold to a market average of 130p/kg. Cows sold to a top of £1213 for Angus’ from J Clark, Lea with Bazadaise selling to £1158 from FA Nowell & Partners with other Angus’ selling to £1089 from M & C Greenwood. British Blues and Limousins sold to £1062 from JE & AC Clarke & Son and JM & KE Ellis.

Calves and Stirks

There was a smaller entry of calves forward this week which sold to, once again, a strong trade, in which more are required week on week. Leading the way this week was British Blue bull calves from Wallbank Farms, Over Wyresdale selling to £445 with British Blue bulls from J & A Sheerin, Quernmore selling to £440, £425. All British Blue bull calves sold to an average of £395. British Blue heifers topped at £320 from Wallbank Farms who also sold Hereford Bull calves to £280 twice. Angus bull calves topped at £275 twice from FW Park & Son, Ellel. Black and whites this week topped at £112 from Drinkall Bros, Over Wyresdale with all Black and whites forward averaging £90.

Top Prices

Store Bullock:

Limousin £1350, £1240 High House Farm, £1240 The Dingle, £1220 Fell End Farm, £1150 Lambrigg Head Farm. Charolais £1300 High House Farm, £1190 Moss Edge Farm, £1160 Cock Hall Farm. Aberdeen Angus £1290 Hallbeck, New Parkside Farm, £1160 Raw Head, £1150 Isle of Skye Farm, £1120 Wyre Farm. Hereford £1200 New Parkside Farm, £1040 Steadbank. British Blue £1160 Millbeck, Mill House Farm, Roseacre Hall, £1130 Windy Hill Farm. Fleckvieh £1140 Sandy Dean, £1060 Ninezergh, £900 Bull Bank. Simmental £1130 Intack Farm, £1090 Betts Farm. Friesian £1010, £1000 Benson Hall, £910 Hallbeck, £900 Lambrigg Head Farm. Shorthorn £1000 Moss Edge Farm. Montbeliarde £960 Pilling Lane, Staffords Farm, £920 Pilling Lane.

Store Heifer

Aberdeen Angus £1260 New Parkside Farm, £1240 Hallbeck, £1100 New Parkside Farm, £1040 Isle of Skye Farm, £1000 Wood Nook Farm. Charolais £1160 Croftlands. Hereford £1160 Shore Top Farm. British Blue £1150 Windy Hill Farm, £1140 Greenlands Farm, £1110 Raw Head, £1070 Roseacre Hall, £1040 Manor House Farm. Limousin £1120 Fleets Farm, £1100 Holme Field, £1080 Station Hotel Farm, £1060 Whelpside Farm, £1020 Benson Hall. Simmental £1040 Betts Farm. Friesian £1020 Benson Hall.

OTM Cow:

Limousin 171.5, 169.5 Ouzlethorn, 151.5, 149.5 Moss Head, 131.5 Cringleber. Bazadise 149.5, 147.5 Oak Head Fam. British Blue 149.5 Braida Garth, 147.5 Broats Farm, 139.5 Cringleber. Charolais 149.5 Thornham Fold Farm, 139.5 Thornham Fold Farm. Blonde 147.5 Marl House, 139.5 Croftlands. Belgium Blue 141.5 Croft House, 139.5 St Annes Farm. Hereford 139.5, 134.5 Shore Top Farm, 117.5 Coldcotes Farm. South Devon 137.5, 127.5 Bradia Garth. Aberdeen Angus 139.5 Moss View, New Hall Farm, 134.5 Thornham Fold Farm, 131.5, 127.5 Cringleber. Friesian 139.5, 134.5 Low Deepslack, 129.5 Baldromma Farm, 127.5, 124.5 Mealbank. Montbeliarde 129.5 Waterscales Farm.

OTM Heifer:

Montbeliarde 177.5, 164.5 Hatters Farm. Hereford 174.5 Cockrigg Farm. Friesian 169.5 Abbotson Farm, 161.5 Benson Hall, 159.5, 157.5 Lane Ends Farm, 151.5 Deerslet Farm.

Cast Steer:

Friesian 161.5 Benson Hall, 114.5, 109.5, 99.5 Greenside Farm. British Blue 159.5, 129.5 Croft House. Aberdeen Angus 147.5 Croft House, 109.5 Bradlow Farm.

Heifer Calf:

British Blue £320 Tills Farm. Hereford £200 Tills Farm.

Bull Calf:

British Blue £445 Tills Farm, £440, £425 Knotts Farm, £270 Barrow Greaves Farm. Hereford £280 Tills Farm. Aberdeen Angus £275, £220, £170 Catshaw Hall Farm. Friesian £112, £80, £78 Catshaw Hall Farm.

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