
Lancaster Livestock Auction: Store Cattle - Friday 18th January

Store Cattle

There was a nice trade for store cattle throughout the sale with an entry of 293. The trade today topped at £1340 for Limousin bullocks from GH Speak, Eccleston with other Limousin bullocks to £1320 from DE & SM Moorhouse, Natland who also sold Charolais bullocks to £1270. Native bullocks saw Angus’ sell to £1260 from JD & GM Bracken, Catteral. The heifer trade this week was topped at £1310 for Limousins from WA Hodgson, Kendal. Angus heifers sold to a top of £1260 from D & N Davis, Nateby with Angus heifers selling to £1240 from J Hesketh, Hutton. There was plenty of cattle selling the region on £1200. Black and whites sold to top of £1100 from WR Clarke, Pilling this was closely followed by £1080 from L Parsons & Sons, Levens.

OTM Cattle

There was a larger entry of 111 Cast Cows forward this week selling to another sharp trade in which more could have easily been sold and to the advantage of the vendor. There was an overall market average of 109p/kg. OTM heifers sold to a top of 185.5p/kg for Limousins from JD, EM, JA Atkinson, Kendal with other Limousin heifers selling to 181.5p/kg and 179.5p/kg from TA Chapman & Son, Kendal.

Cast steers topped at 169.5p/kg for Limousin and Friesians from EE Thornton & Sons, Heaton with South Downs to the same price from RH Dodgson, Buton-in-Lonsdale. Cast cows sold to a top of 171.5p/kg for Limousins from RHM & S Boyren, Ulverston with beef cows topping at £1129 for Angus’ from G Metcalfe & Son, Gressingham with plenty of heavy weight cows easily selling in excess of the £1000 mark.

Dairy cows sold to a top of 164.5p/kg or £1038 for Montbeliardes from JM & TJ Livesey, Inskip. Blck and white cows sold to a top of 159.5p/kg or £952 from DJ A & L Sutcliffe, Winmarleigh. Plenty of fleshy black and white cows were easily selling around the 110p/kg with black and white cows averaging just short of 100p/kg.

Calves and Stirks

The weekly sale of calves saw an entry of over 50 forward this week consisting mainly of young calves. There was plenty of interest ringside which saw Simmental bulls to £275 from JR Newsham & Son, Conder Green and British Blue heifers to £275 from J & M Sanderson, Kirkham who also sold Blue Heifers and bulls to £255. Angus bull calves topped at £260 from Colby Farms, Appleby plenty of young beef calves selling easily into the early two hundreds. There was plenty of interest in black and whites today with a fresh buyer looking to purchase, especially bobby calves, saw the trade top at £90 from T & CM Kelsall & Son, Chipping with others to £85 from TE & MM Kidd, Ellel.

A handful of stirks on offer today saw Montbeliarde bullocks sell to £290 from JR Pye, Poulton-le-Fylde with black and white bulls selling to £260 from IT Richardson, Preston.

Next week is the monthly sale of Stirks, entries are being taken please advise the office of entries by 2pm Monday 21st January.

Top Prices

Store Bullock

Limousin £1340 Billinge Hall Farm, £1320, £1260 High House Farm, £1200 Whelpside Farm, Bensons Farm. Charolais £1270 High House Farm. Abderdeen Angus £1260 Greenlands Farm, £1220 Cragg Farm, £1200 Pasture House Farm, Hermon Bank Farm, £1180 Ivy Barn. British Blue £1220 Abbotson Farm, £1180 High Underbrow Farm, £1140 Low Fell End, £1130 High Underbrow Farm, Shaws Farm. Blonde £1200 Hermon Bank Farm. Saler £1190 Millbeck. Simmental £1130 Low Fell End, £1100 Moors Farm, £1090 Clawthorpe Lodge, Holmecrest. Friesian £1100 Barn Hill Farm, £1080 Low Levens, £980 Cheetham House Farm, £940 Abbotson Farm, £900 Higher Knowehill. Hereford £1080 Ivy Barn, £1040 Raw Head, £1010 Moors Farm, Colloway Farm, £970 Toulbrick Farm. Montbeliarde £1070 Holmes Farm, £950 Greenlands Farm.

Store Heifer
Limousin £1310 Whelpside, £1170 Bank Field Farm, £1140 Oak Head Farm, £1120 Higher Broadwood Farm, £1080 Wood Nook Farm. Aberdeen Angus £1260 Cragg Farm, £1240 Middle Grange Farm, £1140 Greenlands Farm, Cragg Farm, £1120 Snub Snape Farm. British Blue £1200 Walmsley Fold, £1140 Middle Grange Farm, £1090, £1080 Walmsley Fold, £1060 Barbers Moor Farm. Simmental £1060 Intack Farm. Charolais £1040 The Old Stable, £1030 Holmecrest. Hereford £1040 The Old Stable, £910 Stoney Fold Farm, £900 Corney Hill Farm.


Limousin 171.5, 151.5 Hill Park, 141.5 Red Scar, 134.5 Hill Park, Middle Ridge Farm. Montbeliarde 164.5 Hodgkinson Farm, 134.5 Dalton Old Hall, 111.5 Holme Head, 109.5 Hatters Farm. Friesian 159.5, 144.5 Throstle Nest Farm, 117.5 North Farm, 114.5 Sweetings Farm, Gardners Farm. Stabiliser 139.5 Park House Farm. Aberdeen Angus 134.5 Fleets Farm, 111.5 Chestnut House. Blonde 134.5 Beaumont Grange Farm. British Blue 127.5 Fleets Farm. Hereford 119.5, 104.5 High House Farm. Fleckveih 117.5 Holme Head.

OTM Heifer

Limousin 189.5 Low Groves Farm, 181.5, 179.5 Lane Head Farm, 139.5 Breedy Butts Farm. Friesian 154.5 New Brows Farm, 149.5 Richmond Hall. Charolais 134.5 Yealand Manor. British Blue 135.5 Sunny Bank Farm.

Cast Steer

Friesian 169.5 Downlands Farm. Limousin 169.5 Downlands. South Down 169.5 Kilburn House. Simmental 149.5 Breedy Butts Farm.

Cast Bull

Limousin 159.5 Little Fell Farm, 127.5 Chapel House. Stabiliser 124.5 Park House Farm.

Heifer Calves

BRITISH BLUE: £275, £255, £80 Pasture Barn Farm. ABERDEEN ANGUS: £205, £185, £175, £165, £135 Brown Brook. SIMMENTAL: £180 Sellerley Farm. LIMOUSIN: £175 Halforth Farm. HEREFORD: £130 Booth Hall, £75, £70, £55 Colby Farms.

Bull Calves

SIMMENTAL: £275, £260 Sellerley Farm. ABERDEEN ANGUS: £260 Colby Farms, £255, £195 Pasture Barn Farm, £180 Colby Farms, £130 Pasture Barn Farm. BRITISH BLUE: £255 Pasture Barn Farm, £230, £185 North Farm. HEREFORD: £215 Booth Hall, £195 North Farm, £190 Booth Hall, £155 North Farm, £150 Colby Farms. LIMOUSIN: £98 Halforth Farm.

Steer Stirk

MONTBELIARDE: £290 Hatters Farm. HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN: £260 West View Farm.

Bull Stirk

HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN: £260, £245, West View Farm.

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