Store Bullocks
Fleckvieh £1320 Netherbeck Barn. Limousin £1280, £1220 High House Farm, £1180, £1160 Low Woodedge Farm, £1100 Little Fell Farm. Charolais £1270 High House Farm, £1070 Holme House. British Blue £1250 High House Farm, £1240 Netherbeck Barn, £1170 Low Levens, £1140 Gibraltar Farm, £1090 Mearsbeck Farm. Hereford £1230 Low Levens, £1090 Outherthwaite Farm, £1050 Little Crimbles, £900 Bradlow Farm. Simmental £1160 Gibraltar Farm, £1140 Stubb Hall Farm, £1130 Intack Farm, £950 Broughton House Farm. Aberdeen Angus £1150, £1140 Cragg Farm, £1120 Butler Arms Farm, £1090 Isle of Skye Farm. Friesian £1060 Low Levens, £1050, £1010 Gibraltar Farm, £950 Parkgate Farm, £930 Mill House Farm.
Store Heifer
British Blue £1180 Gibraltar Farm, £1090 Wood Nook Farm, £1070 Stubb Hall Farm. Aberdeen Angus £1120 Butler Arms Farm, Fairfield, £1070 Isle of Skye Farm, £1070 Fairfield, £1050 Windy Hill Farm. Limousin £1090 Intack Farm, £1080 Mill House Farm, Gulf Farm, Brant Beck, £1040 Fleets Farm. Charolais £1090 Holme House. Simmental £1040 Intack Farm. Hereford £1010 Cockrigg Farm. Friesian £940 Parkgate Farm, £900 Mill House Farm.
Limousin 164.5 Lanehead Farm. Friesian 154.5 Hoggetts Lane Farm, 134.5 Lawsons Farm, 131.5 Mealbank Farm, Tunstall Hall, Mealbank Farm. Aberdeen Angus 144.5 Fleets Farm, 129.5 Ellers Farm. Montbeliarde 127.5 Sellerley Farm.
OTM Heifer
Aberdeen Angus 159.5 Parkside Farm. Friesian 154.5, 114.5 Sweetings Farm.
Heifer Calf
Limousin £300 Lane Head Farm, £295, £190 Deansbiggin. British Blue £275 Roseacre Hall, £265, £230 North Farm, £220, £210 Roseacre Hall.
Bull Calf
British Blue £355 Roseacre Hall, £305 Deansbiggin, £280 Tills Farm, Newhouse Farm. Limousin £300 Newhouse Farm, £295, £280, £270, £250 Deansbiggin. Aberdeen Angus £280 Tills Farm. Hereford £270 Tills Farm. Friesian £142 Catshaw Hall Farm, £135 Netherbeck Barn, £115 Tills Farm, £105, £95 Catshaw Hall Farm.
Heifer Stirk
Limousin £405 Wardfield Farm. Aberdeen Angus £370, £330 Wardfield Farm.