Prime Lambs
The weekly sale of Prime Lambs had a slightly smaller entry of just short of 400 this week in which more could have been sold to the advantage of the vendor with Texel lambs selling to a top of £85 from DM Cardwell, Stalmine closely followed by £84 from TR Prickett, Hutton Roof. The Suffolk trade twice topped at £82 from G Riley, Bolton-le-Sands. Once again, plenty of lambs sold in or around the £80 mark with a large quantity of 46 to 50kg lambs on the market. Texel lambs sold to a top of 185p/kg from TR Prickett. There was an overall market average of 162p/kg.
Cast Sheep
A larger entry of 80 Cast Ewes forward this week selling to another competitive trade. Suffolk ewes topped at £95 from TA Blair, Thornton with Cleveleys. The tup trade was topped by Cheviots selling £79 from A & J Smith, Ingleton. Texel ewes topped at £71 from PW & DW Roskell, Pilling. Stronger, fitter ewes sold in excess of the £50 mark selling to £66 from A & J Rhodes, Ellel and £63 from PW & DW Roskell. A few more hill ewes on the market today saw Cheviot ewes sell to £30 from SE & J Gorst, Littledale with Swaledale selling to £25 from KM & KJ Curwen, Abbeystead.
Prime Cattle
A British Blue prime heifer from P & A Bell, Pilling sold to 199.5p/kg or £965.