
Lancaster Livestock Auction: Store Cattle Friday 24th August

Store Cattle

There was a larger entry of store cattle forward this week selling to a strong trade for well-fleshed cattle, with leaner and young types continuing to be a similar trade with fresh buyer’s ringside looking for cattle. It was great to have a quantity of bullocks selling in excess of £1300 once again. The trade topped at £1380 from BN Greenwood of Catterall with an Angus bullock. This was closely followed by Angus and Limousin bullocks from J Hesketh of Hutton selling to £1340. Also selling to this price were Charolais bullocks from H Chapman and Son of Middleton. The heifer trade topped at £1,240 twice for a pen of five Limousin Heifers from P Cummings of Holme and from Blackburn and Wood of OutRawcliffe. All beef bullocks forward averaged well over £1000.

OTM Cattle

There was a smaller entry of cast cows and OTM cattle today with some vendor’s cautious of the bank holiday weekend, although the trade was strong with all types of cows eagerly bid for selling to a strong market average of 125p/kg. Limousin OTM heifers sold to a top of 189.5p/kg from TE, JS & SA Carruthers of Underbarrow. Cows were topped by Limousins from P Cummings of Holme selling to 179.5p/kg. Beef cows sold to a top of £1186 a head from T & M Halhead of Priest Hutton. Best black and white cows sold to a top of 159.5p/kg from B & MJ Nelson of Heversham with dairy cows selling to a top of £1201 for Swedish Red cows from EW & RM Towers of Hornby and Black and Whites selling to £1045 MS & G Mason of Kirkby Lonsdale.

Calves and Stirks

There were fewer calves on offer this week but, once again, a strong trade at Lancaster with plenty of purchasers ringside in which more calves could of been sold. The trade was topped by British Blue bull calf from J & G Thornley of Roseacre selling to £455 with Blue heifers from the same home to £340. The native calf trade was topped by Wallbank Farms of Over Wyresdale selling Hereford Bull calves to £320 and Angus Bull calves to £280. Black and white calves from the same good home sold to a top of £120.

The next Monthly Stirk sale at Lancaster will take place on Friday 31st August 2018

Top Prices

Store Bullocks

Aberdeen Angus £1380 Fold Farm, £1340 Middle Grange Farm, £1280 Holmes Farm, £1200 Thorns Farm, Upp Hall. Charolais £1340 Millbeck, £1240 Langthwaite Heights. Limousin £1340 Middle Grange Farm, £1200 Millbeck, £1180 Dunningwell Farm, £1170 Millbeck, Greenbank Farm. Shorthorn £1280 Godson House Farm, £1040 Fellside Farm, £1020 Cock Hall Farm, £1000 Dunningwell Farm. British Blue £1190 Holmes Farm, £1160 Green Close, £1110 Bridge Farm, £1080 Pasture House Farm, £1060 Fellside Farm. Blonde £1150 Cock Hall Farm. Hereford £1130 Intack Farm, £1070 Daniel Fold Farm, £1020 Billinge Hall Farm, Windy Hill Farm, £980 Windy Hill Farm. Welsh Black £1130 Godson House Farm. Montbeliarde £950 Intack Farm. Swedish Red & White £880 Outerthwait Farm. Friesian £850 Thorns Farm, £840 Springfield Farm, £790 Outerthwaite Farm, £770 Lodge Farm, £740 Thorns Farm.

Store Heifers

Limousin £1240 Lynwood, Holme Field, £1230 Dunningwell Farm, £1180 Lynwood, £1080 Dunningwel Farm. Charolais £1130 Langthwaite Heights. Aberdeen Angus £1100 Alston Grange, £1080 New House Farm, £1060 Kimberley Avenue, £900 Intack Farm, £880 Low House Farm. British Blue £1090 Ellers Farm, £1060, £1040 Abbotson Farm, £1030 Parkside Farm, £1020 Pasture House Farm. Simmental £1060 Lynwood, £960 Intack Farm, £930 Alston Grange. Hereford £940 Ellers Farm, £780 Bull Bank Farm.


Limousin 179.5 Holme Field, 164.5 Stoneybank Philpin Farm, 161.5 Upp Hall, 159.5 Red Scar, 137.5 Stoney Philpin Farm. Simmental 174.5 Upp Hall. Friesian 159.5 Halforth Farm, Birkland Barrow, 137.5 Holme Head, 134.5 Spital Farm, Derby Lodge Farm. Aberdeen Angus 154.5 Upp Hall, 124.5 Bellart Howe. British Blue 144.5 Brookside, 134.5 Stoneybank Philpin Farm. Swedish Red & White 137.5, 134.5, 129.5 Holme Head.

OTM Heifer

Limousin 184.5 Red Scar. Aberdeen Angus 174.5 Ellers Farm. Friesian 161.5 Lane Ends Farm, 154.5 Tunstall Hall, 151.5 Lane Ends Farm, 149.5 Pilling Hall, 134.5 Batty Hill.

Cast Steer

Friesian 149.5 Low Levens, 131.5 Sunderland Brows Farm, 127.5 Boundary House. Aberdeen Angus 154.5 Sunderland Brows Farm.

Heifer Calves

British Blue £340 Derby Lodge Farm, £275 Liscoe Farm.

Bull Calves

British Blue £455 Derby Lodge Farm. Hereford £320 Tills Farm, £260 Billinge Hall Farm. Aberdeen Angus £280 Tills Farm. Friesian £120, £78 Tills Farm.

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