The sale commenced with all classes of breeding sheep, which saw aged Texel rams sell to £300. Mule gimmer lambs sold to £124, £117 and £108. Hill bred sheep saw three crop Herdwick ewes sell to £104, with broken mouth Herdwicks selling to £68 and others at £58. Herdwick gimmers lambs sold to £64, Welsh Badger Face Mountains to £64 and Swaledale to £62.
We are still offering a farm to farm service for breeding sheep, please contact our auctioneers regarding you sales requirements.
North West Auctions sale of store lambs saw 4218 lambs sell to an average of £101.73.
Trade was good from start to finish with the sale peaking at £141 for a pen of Beltex from JE Wightman, Lupton. Others sold to £140 from AE Atkinson, Kendal and a pen of twenty one to £137 from W&J Penny, Kirkby in Furness. A pen of nine Cheviots sold to £135 from RW&SA Nicholson, Lupton with Suffolks to the same price from DH Hogg, Appleby. No less than fifteen Hampshire’s sold to £130.50 from Colby Farms, Appleby with Romneys to £122 from this home. Rough Fells reached highs of £125 from A O’Neil, Sedbergh and Mules to £117 from B Wilson & Sons, Selside. Swaledale sold to £108 from JR Robinson, Nook and Herdwicks to £89 from S Procter, Selside.
All short-term Continental lambs easily sold the top side of £115, with mediums £100 to £110 and only long term less. Mules seeing a big increase on the fortnight, with the strongest of these £100 plus. Horned and hill lambs possibly seeing the biggest lift, being up in the region of £22.25 on the fortnight.
Winning the awards this week and receiving a café Ambio voucher for the highest priced pen of twenty five or more lambs were:
Lowland: 26 Texels at £133 from GR Wilson, Natland.
Mule / Masham: 27 Mules at £117 from B Wilson & Sons, Selside.
Hill Bred: 35 Cheviots at £112 from RW&SA Nicholson, Lupton.