
J36 Crooklands Livestock Auction: J36 Sale of Pigs, Prime Lambs & Cast Sheep, Tuesday 13th August 2024.


A reduced entry of high quality prime pigs saw J Stott Jnr, Kendal sell the best of his gilts to £295 with others at £285 closely followed by J Barkley, Whithaven selling his best at £265. Other prime pigs nicely selling at £185-£220 and 188p/kg-220p/kg. An exceptional trade was seen for the best store and weaners with stores selling to £68 from JGE Hestletine & Son, Skipton and weaners to £55 from T Noblet, Newbiggin. Other stores and weaners generally £20-£40 depending on quality and type.


Buyers cautious over leaner lambs, with well meated/fed lambs a breeze to sell. Heavy Texels sold to £185 from J Handley, Chapel le Dale, with Charollais to £183 from BR Harrison, Staveley. Beltex lambs to £175 from WS Burrow, Silverdale. Heavy lambs full of meat regularly £150-£160. Best type bred lambs sold to 348p/kg for Texels from WS Burrow, Sliverdale. Best pens regularly 340+p/kg with commercial export types 310-315p/kg. More hill bred lambs forward, with a ring full of mules selling to £137.50 from Drinkall Bros, Over Wyresdale. More lambs could easily be sold to vendors advantages.


Ewe Numbers on the rise as farmers look to off load ahead of the upcoming breeding sheep sales. Better end ewes sold to £196 with others generally £150-£170, nice mediums £120-£145 with leaner sorts £95-£115. Mules topped at £168 with other stronger end £140-£155, mediums £120-£138 with harder worked, recently weaned £85-£110. Hill ewes saw Cheviots to £144, Swaledale to £130, Rough Fell to £120, Scotch Blackface to £100, Herdwick to £80. Mediums £65-£80 with lighter weights and leaner sorts £35-£48.

Top Prices


Texel: £185 Gunner Fleet Farm, £170 Gibraltar Farm, £165 Cockrigg Farm, £161 Catshaw Hall Farm, £158 Gilpin Farm. Charolaise: £183 £137 The Old Vicarage, £141 £137 Bensons Farm. Beltex: £168 £162 Little Eccleston Hall Cottage. £132 Helm Croft. Dutch Spotted: £166 £152 £131 Grayrigg Foot. Continental: £161 Crosscrake Farm, £148 Low Foulshaw Farm, £147 Low Barns Farm, £139 Helm Croft, £134 Shorthorn Farm, £133 College Green. LLeyn: £154 Low Foulshaw Farm. Suffolk: £152 x2 £151 Crosscrake Farm, £144 Lane Ends Farm, £144 £141 High House Farm, £142 Cockrigg Farm. Mule: £137.5 Catshaw Hall Farm, £116 Brown Edge. Dorset: £135 High Biggarsbank.


Texel: £196 Ashtree Cottage, £195 Calderside Farm, £180 Hodgsons Green Farm, £172 Grayrigg Foot, £167 Lunesdale House, £152 Calderside Farm. Leicester: £176 Flodder Hall, £146 Longwell. Dutch Spot: £169, £152, £126 Grayrigg Foot. Mule: £168 Yoad Pot, £166 College Green, £161 Cockrigg Farm, £155 Lunesdale House, £153 Low Brundrigg , £150 Calderside Farm. Cheviot Mule: £152 High House Farm, £144 Top Thorn Farm, £134, £114 Yealand Manor, £112 Top Thorn Farm, £110 Farleton House. Beltex: £148 Farleton House. Cheviot: £144 Outrake Foot, £136 Braida Garth, £105 Ghyll Farm, £103 Outrake Farm, £93 Braida Garth, £78 Outrake Foot.Suffolk: £136 Yoad Pot. Charollais: £131 Yealand Manor. Swaledale: £130 Catshaw Hall Farm, £104 Arklid Farm, £97 Strickland Hill, £80 Park Avenue. Continental: £128 Streatlam Grange, £120 Raw Foot, £110 Gaythorn Hall, £106 (2) Streatlam Grange.Rough Fell: £120 Borrow Bridge, £76 Spicegill Farm. Jacob: £110, £86 Raw End Farm. Scottish Blackface: £100 Flodder Hall. Teeswater: £90 Higher Standen Drive. Herdwick: £80 Main Street. Dalesbred: £77 Yarlsber.


Continental: £122 Raw Foot. Roughfell: £115 Borrow Bridge House. Swaledale: £106 Barras Farm.

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