1053 store hoggs put before a full ringside of buyers who were all keen to purchase hoggs resulting in all hoggs selling to fast rates with many more could have been sold to vendors advantages. An overall average was £71. Texel hoggs lead the way selling to £106 from W Stamper, Chipping with a ring full of Texels selling to £92 from B Clark, Cartmel Fell with other texels achieving the same price from KP & EJ Knight, Kirby in Furness. Suffolk hoggs sold to £90 from DM&D Cook, Ulverston with Charolais selling to the same price from JC Walling & Son, Lyth. Many pens of continental bred hoggs were easily selling well over £80 mark. Mule hoggs sold to £89.50 for a pen of twenty from M&L Preece, Kirkby Lonsdale with others selling to £89 from KD Harryman, Newlands. All mule hoggs averaged £74. Cheviot hoggs sold to a top of £83 from R Doran, Preston. A pen of 35 Scotch hoggs sold to £58 from Coward Brothers, Kirkby in Furness.
A keen interest from all buyers for the next sale of Store Hoggs on Thursday 9th March. Call the office on 015395 66200 to enter for the catalogue by Wednesday 1st March.
A run of In Lamb Leicester ewes from RI Dixon, Low Newton sold to a top price of £250 with others from the same good home selling to £200. EI EA & TW Wilson sold In Lamb Mule Hoggs sold to a top price of £122 with many pens selling to the £120 mark.
Please note there is 150 Mule and Texel In Lamb Hoggs from EI EA & TW Wilson for the next In Lamb Sale on Thursday 9th March.