Weekly sale of prime hoggs at NWA J36 saw a wide range forward ranging from 32-70kg with buyers showing keenest interest in well finished hoggs with caution towards leaner under finished hoggs. Sale peaked at £151 for heavyweight Texel x hoggs from JB Airey, Kendal with other heavyweight texels £145, £136, £132. Heavyweight Suffolks to £127 from G Riley Bolton le Sands, with others at £125 from DM & D Cook, Ulverston. Charollais hoggs sold to £123 from JC Walling & Son, Lyth. Heavyweight hoggs generally £118- £125 depending on breed and quality. Standard weight hoggs sold to £117 for Texel x hoggs from AR & BJ Thompson Selside, with others reaching £112 from AW Crowe, Witherslack and £109 from LF Horton & Son, Leigh. Lightweight lambs were a sharper trade today selling to £96 for Texel x from TM Potter, Orton with others to £95 from AR & BJ Thompson Selside and £94 from AW & AM Clarke, Windermere. Over half the sale today comprised of hill bred hoggs with heavyweight cheviots selling to £116 from Stockdale Farms, Sedbergh who sold others to £112. Mules sold to £105 from F & C E Bentley & Son, Shap, with others at £103 from R Lawrence Grange over Sands. Rough Fells sold to £86 for heavy weights from PE Allen, Ings and W Moore Fradswell. Swaledales sold to £85 from AW & AM Clarke, Windermere. Well finished lightweight horned lambs sold to £79 from GJ&GM Ibbetson, Lancaster with Swaledales to £74 from Fishwick Bros, Longlseddle. Prime hoggs peaked at 265ppk for Texel x hoggs from AR & BJ Thompson, Selside with others at 248ppk from AW Crowe, Witherslack and JA Airey, New Hutton, well finished hoggs regularly 225- 240ppk with lightweights 200-215ppk.
All weights of prime hoggs are required to fulfil buyers requirements with hoggs benefiting from hard feed and achieving maximum returns for sellers.
Cast sheep trade continues to improve week on week with 8 buyers around the ring keen to purchase, ensuring J36 is the best place to sell your cast ewes and rams. Topping the trade today was regular vendor M&S Blease, Carnforth with Texel ewes to £178 and £154. Coming in second was G Riley, Bolton le Sands with a Suffolk selling to £140. Continental bred ewes were regularly selling £125-£135. Mules ewes once again saw the biggest lift in trade topping at £122 from A&B Fell, Silecroft with others selling to £120 from TMW & H Hodgson, Ulverston. All mules forward average £92. Cheviot ewes toped the hill section, topping at £118 from AR&BJ Thompson, Selside with Rough Fell selling to £82 from GR Park & Sons, Whinfell. Swaledale ewes topped at £76 from Holgate Caravan, Carnforth with a full pen of Swaledales selling to £71 from JS&S Atkinson, Scorton. All Swaledales averaged £55. Cast Rams sold to £122 from JW Bentham & Son, Dent. More ewes are required at J36 on regular basis to satisfy buyers requirements. Please contact Bradley Thompson on 07867000244.