
J36 Crooklands Livestock Auction: J36 Weekly sale of Prime Hoggs and Cast Sheep, 25th January 2022

There certainly was the full variety in the terms of quality of prime hoggs forward today with well fleshed and heavy hoggs selling to an improved trade. Leading the way today was 60kg hoggs selling to £161. 55kg Texel hoggs sold to £159 from Linda Beck, Haversham with others from the same good home selling to £151 at 49kg. A consignment of heavy weight hoggs from L McCarrick, Chorley sold 60kg Suffolks to £158 and 60kg Texels to £157, with the full consignment averaging £151. Heavy weight hoggs continue to demand a premium at J36 with other leading prices being £153 for Suffolks from JE Read, Hutton Roof and F & SA Edmondson, Ulverston. Texels sold to £149 from J Twigge, Lindale, with plenty more pens of heavy weight hoggs in the one forties. Heavy weight Mule hoggs sold to £145 from NJ Strickland & Son, Whinfell. Better quality hoggs today, continue to sell in excess of the 200p/kg mark with Beltexs peaking at 325p/kg from TE&J Wadsworth & Son, Kendal. Plenty of well fleshed handy weighed hoggs today, sold either side of the 280p/kg mark. Standard weighted Mules sold to £125.50 at 47kg from EW&JR Parkinson, Dunsop Bridge with other pens of Mules to £120 from F&SA Edmondson, Ulverston and £119 from RHM&S Boyren, Ulverston. More Horned lambs on the market today saw Swaledales sell to £115 from F&SA Edmondson, Ulverston with a pen of fifty 40kg Swaledale lambs selling to £101.50 from Fishwick Bros, Longsleddale.

Another good show of over 500 ewes forward, with all ewes selling to there full value topping at £180 for a pen of Suffolk ewes from T&E Redmayne, Southwaite with others from the same home selling to £165. Texel ewes sold to £149 from AW Crowe, Witherslack with Charollais selling to the same price from JA&LR Wilson, Whicham. Many of the best continental bred ewes were regularly selling at the £130-£140 mark today. Leister ewes sold to a top of £131 from OR Hodgson, Old Hutton with others to £130 from J&CA Gibson, Selside. Mule ewes sold to a fierce trade topping at £126 from T Ellis, New Hutton with others to £123 from R Butterfield, Newlands. All Mule ewes forward averaged £101 for 102 sold. Cheviot ewes led the hill section selling to £113 from R Pearson, Lindale with Rough Fells selling to £108 from L Potter, Orton. Swaledales sold to £87 from F&SA Edmondson, Ulverston, with the best regularly selling well into the £80’s and medium types £50-£60.
30 cast rams were forward selling to another fast trade, with Leicester leading the way selling to £199 from Fishwick Bros, Longsleddale with other Leicester to £182 from RA Clegg & LD Bennet, Seathwaite. Texel rams sold to £182 from H Newton Low Levens. All rams forward averaged £122.

Top Prices

Prime Hogg:
Texel - £161 Park Farm Barn, £159 Dugg Hall, £157 Longfield Manor, £151 Dugg Hall, £149
Holmelands. Suffolk - £158 Longfield Manor, £153 Mealriggs Farm, £153 Netherhouses Farm, £150,
£145Longfield Manor. Mule - £145 The Borrans, £121.5 Hareden Farm, £120 Netherhouses Farm,
£119 Hill Park, £114 Nook Farm. Charollais - £143 Dawson Fold. Beltex - £127 Raines Hall, £120
Poppy Farm, £113 Kirket Nook. Leicester - £127 Tongue House Farm. Cheviot - £119.5 Howriggs,
£118 Low Deepslack, £113 Nook Farm, £111, £110 Hartrigg. Continental - £119 Brow Head, £110.5
Underhelm Farm, £110 Hazelslack Tower Farm, £108 Scroggs Farm, £105 Brow Head. Swaledale -
£115 Netherhouses Farm, £110.5 Well Foot, £101.5 Middle Sadghyll, £100 Netherhouses Farm.
Rough Fell - £110 Middle Sadghyll, £96 High Borrowbridge, £90 Luneside, £87 Low Deepslack.
Horned - £100 Holmelands. Dorset - £98 Holmelands. Herdwick - £96 Howriggs, £80 The Hawthorns.
Gritstone - £95 Town Head Farm.
Cast Ewe:
Suffolk - £180, £165 Old Byre Barn, £133 Newlands Green Farm, £122 Slack Farm, £114 New Close.
Charollais - £149 Dunningwell Farm, £130 New Close. Texel - £149 Ashtree Cottage, £144
Ackenthwaite Farm, £142, £141 New Close, £141 Ashtree Cottage. Continental - £134 Ackenthwaite
Farm, £70 Higher Salter. Leicester - £131 Low Garths, £130 Longwell, £105 Yewbarrow. Mule - £126
Woodside, £123 Newlands Green Farm, £120 Dunningwell Farm, £120 Raines Hall, £117 White
House. Beltex - £125 Poppy Farm. Cheviot Mule - £118 Poppy Farm, £118 Raines Hall, £116 Gibraltar
Farm, £98 Yealand Manor, £87 Kate Farm. Cheviot - £113 Dunhoy, $94, £73, £71 Yealand Manor,
£66 Poppy Farm. Rough Fell - £108 Howes Lodge, £89 High Farm, £83 Woodside, £82 Millriggs. Goat
- £94 Raines Hall. Jacob - £92 New Close. Zwartble - £91 Woodside. Swaledale - £87 Netherhouses
Farm, £84 Low Garths, £82 Low Hall Farm, £80 Thursgill, £77 Longwell. Scotch - £85 Low Garths, £75
Thursgill. Kerry Hill - £74 Howes Lodge. Gritstone - £70 Town Head Farm. Horned - £66 Higher
Cast Ram:
Leicester - £199, £168, £136 Middle Sadghyll, £132 Tongue House Farm. Texel - £182 Low Levens,
£170, £152 New Close, £144 Fold Farm, £98 Red Scar Farm. Suffolk - £128 Bramaskew. Beltex - £120
Holmelands. Swaledale - £98 Nether House Farm, £73 Yoad Pot. Hampshire - £80 Kate Farm.

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