
J36 Crooklands Livestock Auction: J36 Weekly Sale of Calves, Stirks, Store and OTM Cattle, Thursday 28th April 2022

Calves and Stirks
There was an entry of 87 Calves forward in J36 today that saw the better types of calves in stronger demand and selling to a very good trade. British Blue bull weanlings lead the way selling to £490 from JAH Walton & Son, Kirkby Stephen. British Blue bull calves were certainly wanted today with the consignment from A Pickthall, New Hutton peaking at £480 at seven weeks old. A cracking run of Blue bulls from JW & TE Sharp, Lyth sold to £470, £465 and £440 with plenty more selling in excess of the four hundred mark. Limousin bull peaked at £405 from Kevin Wrathall, Broughton in Furness. The heifer trade peaked at £405 twice from SW & K Metcalfe, Whittingham and HJ Robinson & Son, Preston Patrick with plenty more selling in the mid to late three hundreds. Native calves very similar to the continental calves that purchasers very keen to purchase strong types but also more interest in the smaller younger types. Angus bull calves peaked at £455 from Colby Farms, Penrith with Beef Shorthorn heifers selling to £400 from JW & TE Sharp, Lyth.
Dairy beef bull calves met plenty of demand with the consignment from C Dent, Penrith selling Montbeliardes to £325 twice, £315 twice and £300. Black and white weanlings sold to £280 from JAH Walton & Son, Kirkby Stephen with calves to £165 from CM & CS Chappelhow, Penrith.
The stirks were met with a selective trade quality and grazing types good too sell with younger softer types a slightly stickier trade. Leading the way were suckler bred yearling Limousin bullocks selling to £1040, £1000 and £980 with Charolais heifers from the same home selling to £920 consigned by G Mcgregor, Carlisle. This was followed by Limousin bullocks to £890 from JH Atkinson & Ptnrs, Selside.

Store Cattle
North West Auction held its annual Grass Day show and sale which had a catalogue entry of 955 store cattle. The pre-sale show was kindly sponsored by Dugdale Nutrition, North West Limousin’s, The Farmer Guardian and The Rural Law Practice. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our judge Mr John Melling and our vendors for the quality of cattle forward for both the show and sale. After much time and deliberation, the judge awarded the champion rosette to JG&PH Thompson, Selside with the reserve champion rosette awarded to the first prize Limousin heifer consigned M&L Preece, Kirkby Lonsdale. A wonderful day was had by all vendors, with 93 active buyers accounts, with cattle selling to throughout the UK and Scotland which ensured a fast trade throughout the day. The top price of the day was achieved by the champion from JG&PH Thompson, Selside this wonderful Limousin bullock which sold to £1850. Today’s sale also included the young handlers over wintering competition which was kindly supported by Roast Mutton Butchers, Kendal with judging in the capable hands of Mrs Yvonne Willison, Levens. North West Auctions would like to thank all the young handlers for the cattle presented for sale, I’m sure you would all agree that they have done an excellent job of rearing the cattle and we hope that they have all enjoyed taking part. The champion animal was award to Ben Dodgson, Kendal which went on to sell to the top price of £1680.

Next highest price was another Limousin selling to £1690 from BJ Bowness, Kendal who also sold other bullocks to £1630. A run of strong Angus bullocks from JW&TM Metcalf, Gatebeck peaked at £1600. Yearling bullocks sold another fast trade at J36 with the best end regularly selling £1300-£1450 mark. Forest Hall Farms sold a run of 10 month old Galloway bullock to sell to £990. 450 bullocks averaged £1080.

New buyers around the ring looking to purchase the best end heifers resulting in some fabulous returns. Limousin’s sold to a top of £1540 from N Cooper & Sons, Broughton with others selling to £1500 from JA&J Harper, Killington, with blue heifers topping at £1480 from S&M Cooper, Lease. The best yearling heifers Limousin & British Blue were selling to £1250-£1400 mark. A run of Blonde heifers from MJ Whitworth peaked at £1340.native heifer saw a keen interest from all buyers with angus’s selling to £1350 from J Twigge, Grange Over Sands. 400 heifers averaged £1020.

All young bulls continued to be a strong trade at J36 with J Twigge selling Angus & Charolais to a top of £1230.

North west auctions would like to thank all vendors and buyers for supporting Grass Day..

OTM / Cast Cattle
NWA J36 had another large entry of 73 cull cows forward at the fortnightly sale with an overall market of 187p/kg with over half the entry been dairy cows. Sale peaked at 251p/kg for a young Limousin x cow from Messrs Hodgson, Windermere. Other well bred beef cows selling to 247p/kg from N Cooper & Son, Broughton in Furness with other regularly selling at 210p/kg-214p/kg. Keen interest in cows for further finishing with an active ring side of 9 buyers present. Top grossing beef cow today was £1697 for a Blonde from T Atkinson, Ulverston. Dairy cows sold to a top price of 194p/kg for a Fleckvieh from SJ&J Hodgson & Son, Colton with other dairy cows selling to 187p/kg from I&ME Askew, New Hutton and SM&CS Chapplehow, Penrith and RJ&ML Lowery, Holker. Top grossing dairy cow and also achieved the top price of the day was a Fleckvieh from SJ&J Hodgson, Colton achieving £1808, with dairy Shorthorns selling to £1361 from JR Handley, Whinfell and Holstein Friesians £1301 from JA&DE Batty & Son, Burneside.
OTM Heifers sold to 234p/kg on two occasions for British Blue x from I&AJ Armer, Burneside with Holstein Friesians to 189.5p/kg from RA&E Edmondson, Levens. Top grossing heifer was a Hereford from A&ED Booth, Settle achieving £1615 who sold others to £1601.
Several cull bulls today sold to 229p/kg for a Stabilizer from JA&R Geldard & Sons, Levens with a Hereford from RJ&J Gardner, Natland selling at £1703.

Top Prices

Bull Calf:

British Blue - £490 Bank View, £480 Borrans Farm, £470, £465 Flodder Hall. Aberdeen Angus - £455 Colby Laithes, £400 Bank View. Limousin - £405 Cockley Beck Farm, £230 High Foulshaw Farm, £220 Hall Farm. Simmental - £400 Middle Birkby Farm. Montbeliard - £325, £315, £300 Bridge End Farm. Friesian - £280 Bank View, £165 High Grounds Farm. Continental - £195 Bridge End Farm.

Heifer Calf:

Charolais - £415 Bank View. British Blue - £405 Holme House Farm, £405 Elm Tree Farm, £400 Cinder Barrow. Shorthorn - £400 Flodder Hall. Limousin - £290 High Foulshaw Farm. Aberdeen Angus - £200 Bank View, £115 Colby Laithes. Friesian - £195 Bank View. Hereford - £105, £100 Wraysholme Tower.

Bull Stirk:

Aberdeen Angus - £695 Birks Farm, £500 Moss House Farm, £495 The Lodge. Fleckvieh - £695, £650 Field House Farm. Montbeliard - £690 Field House Farm. Limousin - £500 Moss House Farm, £500 The Lodge, £440 Moss House Farm. Hereford - £350 Field House Farm.

Heifer Stirk:

Charolais -£920 Longrigg. Limousin - £900, £840, £690 Longrigg. Aberdeen Angus - £760 Moss House Farm.

Steer Stirk:

Limousin - £1040, £1000, £980 Longrigg. British Blue - £690 Swallowmire.

OTM Cow:

British Blue – 239.5 The Howes, 219.5 Low Hall Farm, 199.5 Crossgates Farm, 197.5 Holmelands, 191.5 Swallowmire. Blonde – 224.5 Newland View. Stabilizer – 219.5, 199.5 Kit Cragg. Limousin – 215.5 High Borrans Farm, 247.5, 234.5, 229.5 Troughton Hall, 224.5 High Borrans Farm. Continental – 211.5 Old School House, 181.5 Holmelands. Aberdeen Angus – 197.5 Mislet Farm, 144.5 Stonethwaite Farm. Fleckvieh – 194.5, 181.5 Tottlebank, 164.5 Middle Birkby Farm, 151.5 Tottlebank. Friesian – 187.5 Shorthorn Farm, 187.5 Raw Head, 187.5 High Ground Farm, 174.5 Laithwaite Farm, 174.5 Shorthorn Farm. Simmental – 187.5 Ridding. Dairy Shorthorn – 181.5 Craketrees. Hereford – 179.5 Riddings. Shorthorn – 161.5 Cockley Beck Farm.

OTM Heifer:

British Blue – 234.5, 229.5 Bowston Hall, 214.5 High Borrowbridge. Hereford – 231.5, 229.5 Lane Ends Farm, 184.5 Stribers Farm. Aberdeen Angus – 211.5 Middle Birkby Farm. Limousin – 201.5 Hall Farm. Friesian – 189.5 High Barnes.

Cast Bull:

Stabilizer – 229.5 Low Foulshaw Farm, 167.5 Re Braida Garth. Hereford – 199.5 Natland Mill Beck Farm.

Store Bullock:

Limousin - £1850 Poppy Farm, £1690, £1630, £1550 Blea Tarn Road, £1540 Stubb Farm. Aberdeen Angus - £1600, £1550, £1440 Low Bracken Hall, £1220 Kendal House Farm, £1215 Holmelands. British Blue - £1500 Low Fell End, £1450 High Biggarsbank, £1440, £1380 Low Greenside, £1340 Troughton Hall. Hereford - £1480, £1120 Westfield Farm, £1100 High Biggarsbank, £950 Crossgates Farm. Charolais - £1390 Dawson Fold, £1310 Tarnside Farm, £1290, £1270 Dawson Fold. Simmental - £11370 Low Fell End, £1190 Bank Field Farm, £1040 Mireside Farm. Parthenais - £1170 Top Thorn Farm, £1110 Killerwick Grange, £1090 Top Thorn Farm. Bazadaise - £1150, £1100 High Underbrow Farm. Blonde - £1070, £1050 Causeway Farm. Continental - £1010 Capplerigg Farm, £880 Mouse Syke, £870, £830 Capplerigg Farm. Galloway - £990, £810 Forest Hall.

Store Heifer:

Limousin - £1680 Spital Farm, £1540 Troughton Hall, £1500 High Rosthwaite, £1500 Capplethwaite Hall, £1480 High House Farm. British Blue - £1500 Angerton Hall Farm, £1480 Tarnside Farm, £1470Low Fell End, £1450 High Underbrow Farm, £1400 High Biggarsbank. Aberdeen Angus - £1350 Holmelands, £1190 Wet Lynn, £1150 Sykes Farm, £1000 Kendal House Farm. Blonde - £1340 Mount Pleasant Farm, £1180 Capplethwaite Hall, £1100 Mount Pleasant Farm, £1030 Causeway Farm. Charolais - £1270 Capplethwaite Hall, £1090 Holmelands, £1080, £1050 New Hall. Hereford - £1190 Westfield Farm, £1045 Holmelands. Friesian - £1150 Ravens Lodge. Fleckvieh - £1140 Norbreck Farm. Parthenais - £1010, £1000 Killerwick Grange. Simmental - £1000, £940 Holmelands. Bazadaise - £950 High Biggarsbank.

Store Bull:

Aberdeen Angus -£1230 Holmelands. Charolais - £1230 Holmelands. Limousin - £1090 Cheadle Wood Farm.

More Info

Young Handlers Show

Highest Gross Profit Margin
1st Ben Dodgson £690
2nd Abigail Winn £265
3rd Becca Maloney £255

Average Weight Gain per day
1st Abigail Winn 1.309kg
2nd Ben Dodgson 1.175kg
3rd Johnathan Winn 1.053kg

Handling & Presentation
1st Hannah Sowerby

2nd Ben Dodgson

3rd Johnathan Winn

Best Heifer
1st Ben Dodgson

2nd Masie Bereford

3rd Hannah Sowerby

Best Bullock
1st Johnathan Winn

2nd Abigail Winn

3rd Becca Maloney

Grass Day Show

Class 1 – Limousin Heifer
1st lot 321 M&L Preece, High House Farm £1480

2nd lot 323 M&L Preece, High House Farm £1500

3rd lot 233 JG&PH Thompson, Poppy Farm £1260

Class 2 – Limousin Bullock
1st lot 228 JG&PH Thompson, Poppy Farm £1850

2nd lot 430 N Cooper & Son, Troughton Hall £1410

3rd lot 240 AR&BJ Thompson, Poppy Farm £1280

Class 3 – British Blue Heifer
1st lot 669 SI Procter, High Biggarsbank £1400

2nd lot 434 N Cooper & Son, Troughton Hall £1540

Class 4 – British Blue Bullock
1st lot 670 SI Procter, High Biggarsbank £1450

2nd lot 431 N Cooper & Son, Troughton Hall £1200

Class 6 – Other Breed Bullock
1st lot 197 SJ&NS Wood, Causeway Farm £1050

2nd lot 198 SJ&NS Wood, Causeway Farm £1030

Champion lot 228 JG&PH Thompson, Poppy Farm £1850
Reserve Champion lot 321 M&L Preece, High House Farm £1480

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