
J36 Crooklands Livestock Auction: J36 Sale of Prime, Cast, Store and Weaner Pigs, 10th August 2021

The first sale of pigs in August saw several new customers in attendance both buying and selling attracted to the popular and regular sale.

Prime pigs sold to a top price of £139 for a Pietrain x saddleback gilt from Wendy Stamper, Chipping. Who sold pure Saddleback boars to £122. Prime gilts sold to 135p/kg for Large White x from Richard Holden, Millom with Large White x hogs selling to 127p/kg from JM Navesey, Darwen. All prime pigs today averaged 117p/kg.

Several culls forward today with sows selling to £185 for a large white boar from Richard Holden, Millom and sows to £140 from Grey Braithwaite, Appleby and £130 Matthew Allen, Carnforth.
Only a small number of weaners forward selling to £40 for Large White x.

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