The first sale of pigs in August saw several new customers in attendance both buying and selling attracted to the popular and regular sale.
Prime pigs sold to a top price of £139 for a Pietrain x saddleback gilt from Wendy Stamper, Chipping. Who sold pure Saddleback boars to £122. Prime gilts sold to 135p/kg for Large White x from Richard Holden, Millom with Large White x hogs selling to 127p/kg from JM Navesey, Darwen. All prime pigs today averaged 117p/kg.
Several culls forward today with sows selling to £185 for a large white boar from Richard Holden, Millom and sows to £140 from Grey Braithwaite, Appleby and £130 Matthew Allen, Carnforth.
Only a small number of weaners forward selling to £40 for Large White x.