A smaller show than anticipated with many farmers in the fields taking advantage of the good weather, but the heat was still in the calf ring! Numerous Continental calves sold between £380 and £400 with a top of £435 achieved for a Limousin heifer from CM & CS Chapplehow, Clifton Dykes with bulls from the same good home selling to £430. A run of well-reared British Blue bulls from JW & TE Sharp, Lyth peaked at £420 with others selling to £410 with all blue bulls forward averaging £392. Simmental bulls sold to £350 from MJ & K Ayrton, Lancaster. Heifer calves were sharper on the week with the best Blues selling to £360 from HJ Robinson & Son, Preston Patrick with others from the same home selling to £350. MJ & K Ayrton’s Simmental heifer calves peaked at £330.
Black and white calves were considerably dearer for all types with 35 calves averaging £112 with 15 selling over the £150 mark. Numerous calves sold between £160 and £175 with the best £180 and £195, topping at £200 twice from RG & JA Clark, Endmoor. Younger dairy bred calves sold to an equally as strong trade with these selling between £35 and £45. A run of weaned black and white calves from MJ & K Ayrton sold to £185 with 3 others at £160.
The heat from the calf trade continued into the stirk ring with trade for types strong than previous sales. Angus bullocks peaked at £700 from GM Strong, Penrith with 6-month-old Hereford bullocks selling to £615 from FW & CM Robinson & Son, Crooklands. Messrs Youngs, Lindale run of 5-6-month-old British Blue bullocks topped at £580 with others to £570. The heifer trade peaked at £675 for a Charolais from TLB & J Knowles, Selside with others from the same good home selling to £665. RI Dixon, Low Newton sold well-grown British Blue heifers to £615 for a 6-month-old.
Cast Cows
Cull cows continue to be in keen demand with all classes selling to a competitive trade with an overall market average of 124p/kg achieved for all cows sold, for which half the entry were dairy cows. Beef cows sold to a top price of 149p/kg twice for Limousin x from SW Atkinson & Son, Crook and Messrs Hodgson, Rydal. Other heavy, meated beef cows generally selling at 128p/kg – 145p/kg with keen interest for further finishing.
Dairy cows sold to a top price of 127.5p/kg from RG & J Clark, Endmoor with others at 124.5p/kg from R & J Dodgson, Natland. CM and CS Chappelhow, Penrith and AE & MK Hayhurst, Natland. Medium dairy cows generally selling at 108p/kg – 120p/kg with parlour type cows 100p/kg – 105p/kg.
The top grossing cow today was £989 for a Charolais x from TW & C Shepherd, Underbarrow and top grossing dairy cow sold to £918 from R & J Dodgson, Natland.
OTM heifers sold to 151.5p/kg and £1028 for BrB x from A Cottam, Crosthwaite.
Several cull bulls forward today selling to 144.5p/kg for a Limousin from JT Wilson, Bay Horse with a Belted Galloway from and SJ & M Richardson & Son, Lupton selling at 119.5p/kg. Top grossing bull was a Hereford from TD, ME & G Todd, Sedbergh selling at £1196.
Store Cattle
Store Cattle continue to sell to a competitive trade with buyers in attendance competing for all classes and types. The sale peaked at £1090 for a Hereford x heifer from S & M Cooper, Leece with Aberdeen Angus x steers and heifers from MJ Shepherd, Newbiggin selling at £1060. Other Aberdeen Angus x steers sold to £1040 from G Cuthbertson, New Hutton and Hereford x steers £1030 from S & M Cooper, Leece.
A trio of British Blue x steers from JR Robinson & Son, Nook sold at £990 with a pen of pure Hereford steers from DJ Dickinson, Haverthwaite selling at £950. A consignment of 10-month-old Limousin x steers from KJ Knight, Kirkby in Furness attracted keen interest selling to £900 with others £880 and £870.
There was keen interest in cattle for grazing which saw British Blue heifers selling to £850 from JR Robinson & Son, Nook. GJ Ibbetson, Roeburndale sold a 10-month-old Charolais x steer at £770 with heifers selling to £750 for Hereford x from PD & P Mason, Burton in Kendal who sold British Blue x at £680. A single suckler bull today sold at £800 for a Limousin x from M & G German, Middleton.
The next sale of store cattle will be held on Thursday 9th July which is the July Fair to include the monthly catalogued sale of 60-80 beef breeding cows with calves at foot. Please see website for details of the beef breeding stock.
Vendors are encouraged to enter cattle for this sale to take advantage of the strong buyer demand.