There was a very mixed trade today for calves that saw strong, well-grown, good quality calves 6 to 8 weeks old and past the reared age, in good demand and a strong trade. Younger beef calves saw trade very mixed, with buyers cautious of purchasing calves that could be affected by this continued damp weather. British Blue bull calves sold to a top of £340 from J & B Morley, Great Asby, with other British Blue bulls to £315 from RJ & KR Wilkinson, Levens. Angus bulls peaked at £275 from HJ Robinson & Son, Preston Patrick with others from the same home selling to £270. A consignment of British Blue heifer calves from DR & C Galbraith, Grayrigg sold to £305 and £245. The younger beef calf trade was very dependent upon size and quality selling between £140 and £180.
Black and White sold to a top of £150 twice from J & B Morley, Great Asby, with Fleckviehs to £95 from WB Winder & Co, Broughton in Furness.
A Selection of weanlings on offer today saw Angus bulls sell to £560 from RJ & KR Wilkinson, Levens with Black and White bulls from the same home selling to £380.
There was a good entry of stirks already forward for 6th February. Please call the office on 015395 66200 with entries.
Cast Cows
Cull cows sold to a top price of 144.5p/kg for a Limousin from HE & M Henderson, Dent with others to 139.5p/kg for a Limousin from SW Atkinson & Son, Crook and RT & ME Sutton, Stainton. Beef cows for further feeding sold to 137.5/kg for a Charolais x from NJ Strickland & Son, Whinfell.
Dairy cows sold to 114.5p/kg from RG & J Clark, Endmoor and Messrs Robinson, Old Hutton. Leaner cows were 95p/kg to 105p/kg with all sold today averaging 117p/kg.
Top-grossing beef cow was a Limousin achieving £1051 from RT & ME Sutton with top-grossing dairy £863 for a Shorthorn from Messrs Robinson.
Several OTM heifers forward sold to 144.5p/kg for an Aberdeen Angus from Low Borrowbridge Ltd and £874 for a Muse Rhine Issel from IM Clegg, Staveley.
Beef Breeding Cattle
The first sale of 2020 saw keen interest from buyers looking for additional and replacement stock. A consignment of Limousin x cows with Limousin x calves at foot from GJ & CA Penellum, Millom sold to £1300 with a heifer calf at foot, with others at £1200. Older cows with steer calves sold to £1050.
The next sale of Beef Breeding cattle is Thursday 20th February. Entries to date include 15 Continental cows with calves at foot.
Store Cattle
Store Cattle maintained the strong prices of recent sales with British Blue x steers from S & M Cooper, Leece selling at £1050. Other strong steers sold to £1000 for a Hereford x from SI Porter, Grange-over-Sands with others to £970 from JE Wightman, Lupton. Well-grown yearling steers sold to £940 for Limousin x from JM Harrison, Broughton in Furness and £900 from MW & MR Black, Staveley. Younger steers 6-8m sold to £875 for a Limousin x from JH Barker & Son, Haverthwaite with a run from B Heyes, Mossborough selling to £745.
Heifers sold to £925 for British Blue x from S & M Cooper with Herefords to £835 from JE Wightman, Lupton. Yearling heifers sold to £805 from JM Harrison with Limousins from J Kitching & Son, Grange over Sands selling to £800. Younger heifers £640 to £750.
The next sale of store cattle is Thursday 6th February to include the Anniversary Prize Show with classes for Best Steer and Best Heifer.
Vendors are encouraged to enter cattle with confidence for this sale - entries for the catalogue close Wednesday 29th January.