
J36 Crooklands Livestock Auction: Anniversary Prime Pigs & Prime Hoggs - Tuesday 11th February


Anniversary Champion Pigs Sell to £168

North West Auctions held its anniversary prize show and sale of prime pigs on Tuesday 11th February which saw three full rows of Prime Pigs penned and selling to a competitive crowd of buyers.

The pre-sale show for pairs of prime pigs was kindly judged by Mr Tommy Burne, Penrith who awarded the first prize and Championship rosette to a pair of Large White gilts from E Lawson, Sedbergh, which later achieved the days top price of £168. Mrs W Stamper, Chipping stood 2nd with a pair of Pietrain x gilts selling at £100, with the 3rd prize rosette being awarded to a pair of Saddleback x hoggs from PK & R Woof, Stainton which sold for £125.

Prime gilts continue to sell to a premium with non-show pigs selling to £152 for Large White from E Lawson. J & L Tyson, Milnthorpe sold a Gloucester Old Sport gilt at £125 with Pietrain x selling to £100 from W Stamper, Chipping. Top pence per kilo gilts were Saddleback x Pietrains from PK & R Woof, Stainton achieving 124p/kg with others selling between 110p/kg to 120p/kg and lighter weights weighed between 88p/kg and 105p/kg. Prime boars sold to £112 for Large Whites, £98 for Pietrain x and £82 for Gloucester Old Spot. Top pence per kilo were Large Whites selling at 108p/kg with others to 98p/kg to 105p/kg and lighter weights selling between 85p/kg and 95p/kg. Prime hogs sold to £125 and 149p/kg for Saddleback x Pietrain from PK & R Woof, Stainton.

Several cull sows forward sold to £92 and 54p/kg for Large Whites from W Stamper. A cull boar from J Miller, Lancaster selling at £75 or 31p/kg.

Stores and weaners sold to a fast trade topping at £63 for young Pietrain x stores from NJ Wilkinson, Barrow-in-Furness with Large Whites selling to £60 for gilts and £58 for baors from WE Gregson, Preston. Weaners sold to £58 for strong Saddleback x from J Miller who sold a litter of 7 week old Saddlebacks at £41.

Thank you to all our pig vendors and purchasers for your support of this sale and we look forward to seeing you all over the coming months.

The next sale of pigs is Tuesday 25th February for Prime and Cull pigs.

Prime Hoggs

North West Auctions held it’s 7th Anniversary show and sale of Prime Hoggs which saw over 20 pens forward for our Judge Ben Holland of Bowland Pork & Beef, who we thank for his time. The Championship rosette was awarded to a pair of Beltex hoggs from BJ Bowness, Kendal. These 51kg hoggs sold to £135 purchased by Michael Lomax on behalf of Higginsons Butchers, Grange-over-Sands. The Reserve Champion rosette was awarded to AG Butler, Hambleton with a pen of five Lonks weighing 47kg selling to £112.50 purchased by Andrew Dawson. First prize pen of five Lowland sired hoggs from EW & JR Parkinson, Dunsop Bridge sold to £117 for Texels weighing 46kg purchased by Gregory Williams Butchers, Lancaster.

The weekly sale of Prime Hoggs saw a large proportion of hill bred hoggs forward as to be expected this time of year. Considering the type of hoggs forward today there was a very strong market average of 232p/kg with standard weights averaging 235p/kg. Beltex hoggs sold to 292p/kg or £123 from AG Butler, Hambleton these were purchased for Higginsons Butchers. This was closely followed by 289p/kg from J Twigge, Lindale with 39kg Beltex hoggs to £113. Plenty more pens of good conformation hoggs selling in excess of 260p/kg. Top price per head was £141 for 62kg Texel hoggs from BJ Bowness, Kendal this was followed by £132 from JB Airey, Kendal. Numerous pens of hoggs sold around the £130 mark. Mule hoggs peaked at £122 from D Wood, Rivington weighing 55kg, Mule hoggs weighing the same sold to £120 from TW Brown, Ulverston and 50kg Mules to £119 from EW & JR Parkinson.

Hill bred hoggs saw Herdwicks sell to £115 with Rough Fells achieving the same from Amy Harrison, Kentmere.

Suffolks to £117 av. £106.16 or 234p/kg
Mules to £122 av. £103.68 or 225p/kg
Swaledales to £108 av. £83.70 or 210p/kg
Rough Fells to £115 av. £92.96 or 213p/kg
Cheviots to £103.50 av. £93.50 or 235p/kg
Texels to £141 av. £104.49 or 242p/kg
Lleyns to £130 av. £99.58 or 239p/kg
Herdwicks to £115 av. £101.74 or 238p/kg
Beltex to £135 av. £118.76 or 257p/kg
Cast Ewes

Due to the weather, there was a reduced entry of cast ewes forward this week selling to a continued strong trade. Leading the way was Beltex ewes selling to £133 from AE Atkinson & Son, Endmoor this was followed by Texel ewes to £131 from James Sanderson, Halton. The consignment of Continental and Texel ewes from W Garnett & Son, Milnthorpe sold to £124 twice, £121, £116 and £115 twice. Charollais ewes peaked at £122 from J Twigge, Lindale. Once again, plenty of Continental and Suffolk ewes sold between £100 and £115. Leicester ewes sold to a top of £110 and £108 from TW Gorst, Crook and £105 from RM & D Dixon, Longsleddale. Mule ewes peaked at £102 from JN & DJ Bowes, Crook followed by £99 from TW Gorst. Once again, strong Mule ewes sold into the nineties. Hill bred sheep sold to a top of £94 for Herdwick shearlings from JD Benson, Langdale. Cheviot ewes topped at £91 from JR Handley, Whinfell. Rough Fell ewes peaked at £86 from CP Bateman, Docker with Swaledale ewes selling to £79 from JS & S Atkinson, Scorton. Plenty of pens of strong horned ewes regularly selling in the seventies.

There was a good number of cast tups forward today which saw Texels peak at £120 twice from RH, M & S Boyren, Ulverston and MG & HM Capstick, Heversham. Leicester cast tups topped at £111 from RM & D Dixon, Longsleddale. Cheviots sold to £95 from R Colbear, Appleby with Swaledale tups selling to £80 from JR Metcalfe, Kirkby Stephen.

Suffolks to £116 av. £96.67
Mules to £102 av. £76.06
Swaledales to £79 or £61.15
Rough Fells to £86 av. £68.25
Charollais to £122 av. £116
Cheviots to £91 av. £82.08
Texels to £131 av. £96.47
Leicesters to £110 av. £107.67
Herdwicks to £94 av. £77.75
Beltex to £133 av. £107.50
Cheviot Mules to £91 av. £85.33

Suffolk tups to £86 av. £86
Swaledale tups to £80 av. £73.50
Charollais tups to £97 av. £73.50
Cheviot tups to £95 av. £89.67
Texel tups to £120 av. £98.75
Leicester tups to £111 av. £81.75
Herdwicks to £75 av. £73.50

Top Prices

Prime Hogg:

Texel - £141 Blea Tarn Road, £132 Mint Close, £131 Fell End, £130 Whinfield Farm, £129 Lower Highfield. Beltex - £135 Blea Tarn Road, £131 Park Farm Barn, £131, £127 Blea Tarn Road. Lleyn - £130, £93, £89 Cragg Farm. Continental - £124 Whinfield Farm, £123 Brow Head, £116.5 Broomfield, £115 Underhelm Farm, £108 Keer Falls. Mule - £122 Wilcock Farm, £120 Whinfield Farm, £119 Hareden Farm, £116, £112 Sykes Farm. Leicester - £118 Holmelands, £109 Low Longmire. Suffolk - £117 Whinfield Farm, £115.5 Low Woodedge Farm, £107.5 Whinfield Farm, £105 Hill Park, £93 Low Woodedge Farm. Herdwick - £115 The Galleon, £109 Underhelm Farm, £101 Millriggs, £89 Wilcock Farm. Rough Fell - £115 Millriggs, £110.5 Boundary Beck, £101.5 Old School House, £98 Millriggs. Horned - £112.5, £102.5 Park Farm Barn, £96, £90 High Salter. Charollais - £110 Whinfield Farm. Dales Bred - £110 Fell End, £77 Higher Salter. Hampshire - £109 Brow Head, £82 Lower Highfield. Swaledale - £108 Underhelm Farm, £105 Hareden Farm, £98.5 Sykes Farm, £96.5 Holme House Farm, £88 Low Longmire. Cheviot - £103.5, £95.5 Brow Head, £89 Hartrigg. Jacob - £71 Home Farm.

Cast Ewe:

Beltex - £133 Stubb Farm, £82 Blea Tarn Road. Texel - £131 Lower Highfield, £124, £121, £115 Ackenthwaite Farm. Charollais - £122 Holmelands, £110 Killerwick Grange. Suffolk - £116 Ackenthwaite Farm, £95 Heights Farm, £79 Hazel Slack Tower Farm. Leicester - £110, £108 Gilpin Farm, £105 Well Foot. Mule - £102 Low Brundrigg, £99 Gilpin Farm, £92 High Bracken Hall, £88 Wilcock Farm, £87 Low Newton Farm. Dorset - £96 Warth Sutton Farm. Herdwick - £94 Harry Place Farm, £81 Wilcock Farm, £72 Harry Place Farm, £64, £63 Far Kiln Bank. Cheviot - £91 Craketrees, £84 Croft Foot Farm, £78 Re Braida Garth, £76 Craketrees. Cheviot Mule - £91 High Bracken Hall, £74 Tullithwaite Hall Office. Rough Fell - £86, £79 Croft Foot Farm, $74 Wasdyke Farm, £70 Croft Foot Farm, £65 Low Deepslack. Continental - £83, £78 Gilpin Farm, £54 Park End Farm. Swaledale - £79 Sykes Farm, £73 Holme House Farm, £69 Re Braida Garth, £66 Thursgill, £65 Sykes Farm. Zwartble - £65 Park End Farm.

Cast Ewe:

Texel - £120 Hallbeck, £120 Park House Farm, £100 Low Tarn Green, £100, £94 Lower Highfield. Leicester - £111 Well Foot, £89, £72 Holme House Farm. Beltex - £100 Guides Farm. Charollais - £97 Park House Farm, £50 Gilpin Farm. Cheviot - £95, £91, £90 Heights Farm, £80 Craketrees. Suffolk - £86 Park House Farm. Swaledale - £80 High Greenside, £76, £69 Sykes Farm. Herdwick - £75 Harry Place Farm, £72 Far Kiln Bank.

More Info

Pig Show Results

Judge Mr TW Burnes

Pair of Prime Pigs
1st E Lawson, Lockabank
2nd W Stamper, Coldcotes
3rd PK & R Woof, Storth End

Prime Hogg Show Results

Judge Mr B Holland

Class one – Pair of Beltex Hoggs
1st BJ Bowness, Blea Tarn, 51kg, £135
2nd AG Butler, Park Farm Barn, 47kg, £131
3rd BJ Bowness, Blea Tarn, 46kg, £123

Class two – Pen of Five Lowland Prime Hoggs
1st EW & JR Parkinson, Hareden House, Texel, 46kg, £117
2nd AW & AM Clarke, Low Longmire, Texel, 41kg, £98.50

Class three – Pen of Five Mule, Masham or Cheviot Hoggs
1st EW & JR Parkinson, Hareden House, Mule, 50kg, £119
2nd JS & S Atkinson, Sykes Farm, Mules, 53kg, £112
3rd LA & M Lambert, Brow Head, Cheviots, 45kg, £103.50

Class four – Pen of Five Swaledale, Dalesbred or Other Horned Hoggs
1st AG Butler, Park Farm Barn, Lonk, 47kg, £112.50
2nd AEA Harrison, Millriggs, Herdwick, 41kg, £101
3rd AEA Harrison, Millriggs, Rough Fell, 44kg, £98

BJ Bowness, Blea Tarn, 51kg, £135

Reserve Champion
AG Butler, Park Farm Barn, Lonk, 47kg, £112.50

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