The weekly sale of calves had a reduced entry forward with many farmers taking advantage of the good weather. Leading the way today was a British Blue Heifer Calf from EE & RA Huddleston, Penrith selling to £250, this was followed by DW Cottam, New Hutton selling a British Blue bull and then a heifer to £230. Farmers were looking for future suckler replacements with quality calves selling to a premium and buyers leaving empty handed.
There was several stirks forward today with a top price of £560 achieved for a Shorthorn bullock from M Blease, Heversham who also sold Shorthorn heifers to £400. BR Butterfield & Son, Burton in Kendal sold Hereford bullocks to £440 and Angus bullocks to £420.
The next sale of calves and stirks will be on Thursday 30th April, vendors are encouraged to pre-enter stock to assist with contacting buyers.
Cast Cows
The fortnightly sale of cull cows saw a top price of 131.5p/kg for a Limousin x from R Gibson & Son, Kendal with others achieving 127.5p/kg for Limousin x from J & M Wilson, Selside and GC & G Taylor, Crook. Other beef cows generally 115p/kg – 122p/kg for further feeding. Top grossing beef cow achieving £1070 for a Limousin x from P Stephenson, Rathmell with an Aberdeen Angus x £1053 from RJ & J Gardner, Kendal.
Dairy cows sold to 114.5p/kg for a British Friesian from J Scott & Co, Cark in Cartmel with Holstein Friesians to 109.5p/kg from B Butterfield & Son, Burton in Kendal. Top grossing dairy cow was £929 from JE Read, Hutton Roof.
OTM heifers sold to 164.5p/kg for British Blue x from JW Robinson & Son, Farleton and £1011 for Holstein Friesian from A & B Pickthall, Milnthorpe.
An OTM British Blue x steer sold at 149.5p/kg (£968) from JW Robinson & Son, Farleton.
Store Cattle
There was a buoyant trade for all classes and types of Store Cattle, on a day when many more could have been sold to the vendors advantage.
Steers sold to £1040 twice for 11-month-old British Blue x from S Procter, Selside with Blonde x £1040 from SJ & NS Wood. Other well-bred steers were £1020 for Limousin x from HR & KA Hodgson and £1000 for Limousin x from F & JM Mason. Other steers nicely selling at £860 - £980 with younger steers £720 - £850. Native bred steers sold to £900 for 12 month old Hereford x from F & JM Mason with Aberdeen Angus x £900 from JE Wightman and 9 month old Aberdeen Angus x steers £850 and Beef Shorthorns £810 from MW & PA Rollason. Dairy steers sold to £980 for a Fleckveih from RW Nicholson who sold Montbeliard at £880.
Heifers sold to £1090 for Limousin x (10 month old) from S Procter, Selside with others £1040 from S & M Cooper. Younger suckler heifers sold to £830 for Charolais x from JC Walling & Son, Crosthwaite with Limousin x £820 from JA Airey and Blonde x SJ & NS Wood. Native sired heifers £880 for Hereford x from G & ID Postlethwaite with Hereford x £790 from JL Bird.
Young bulls sold to £990 for Limousin x from JG & PH Thompson.
Vendors are encouraged to enter cattle with confidence for the next sale on Thursday 30th April.