North West Auctions was proud to host the annual show and sale of registered Fell Ponies on behalf of the Fell Pony Society. Once again, there was a packed auction for this event which saw standing room only around the ring. There as interest from throughout the UK and further afield.
The pre-sale show was in the very capable hands of Ruby Williams who we thank for her time and expertise and thanks must also go to the show sponsor CWS Hay & Straw. The Championship rosette was awarded to lot 2 Nortontowers Gemma FP6122, this four-year-old black mare with many renowned bloodlines in her had recently been broken to ride went onto to be the sale day topper, achieving 3000gns. She was consigned by R Alderson, Kirkby Stephen. The Reserve Champion Rosette was awarded to a brown filly foal, lot 52 Wansfell Crystal FP6739 sired by Heltondale Rover V consigned by Mrs Wendy Dickinson, Tebay. This much-admired foal sold to 950gns. The first mare into the ring, a four-year-old Greenhead Grace from W Carr, Halifax, sold to 1000gns.
Foals sold to a top of 1300gns for lot 63 Greenholme Northern Star FP73095C this very much-admired black colt was consigned by the Potter Family, Tebay. This foal full of potential was sired by Greenholme Diego and had many more renowned bloodlines in its breeding. It was the Potter Family, once again, who sold the next highest priced foal lot 65 Greenholme Ninja FP73094, again, sired by Greenholme Diego selling for 1000gns. There was plenty of foals selling in excess of 500gns.
The mountain and moorland section of the sale sold to a top of 500gns for a Welsh Section A Liddesdale Cinnamon, a four-year-old gelding was consigned by Liddlesdale Welsh Pony Stud, Newcastleton. There was a lot of interest in the Shetland ponies that saw filly foals sell to 500gns for Trixie with Lunespring Lola selling to 480gns. Colt Shetland foals sold to 250gns for Lunespring Paco all consigned by J Richarson, Kirkby Stephen.
There was over 200 lots of tack entered for the sale that was met with plenty of demand. Topping the trade was a complete English pony saddle selling to £190 with a set of harnesses selling to £170 and a Stubben Jump Saddle selling to £150.