Champion sells to £2100
NWA J36 had its Christmas prize show and sale of dairy cattle on Thursday 12 December, which saw a catalogued entry of over 30 dairy cattle attract an abundance of buyers keen to secure replacement stock. The show was ably judged by local noted dairy man, Mr Brian Gibson, Toadpool, who had a quality entry of cattle put before him in all three classes.
The Championship rosette was awarded to W Garnett & Son, Ackenthwaite, showing a pedigree heifer being two weeks calved and giving 26l, selling to R E & A Ladds, Kendal. The Reserve Champion rosette was awarded to the first prized cow from JM Barton & Son, Lupton showing a pedigree second calver being 15 days calved and producing a staggering 51l which sold to the day’s top price of £2180, again purchased by Messrs Ladds.
Other new calved heifers sold to £1580 to include the third prized heifer from J & J Burrow, Grayrigg. A smart second calved cow from R & J Dodgson, Natland caught the eye of several bidders reaching a final call of £1920, selling to T J Powley, Penrith.
All new calved cows averaged £2050 and new calved heifers £1695.
Today’s sale also included several consignments of youngstock which saw buyers travel from throughout the northern counties and Scotland. This section commenced with in-calf heifers which saw the consignment of British Friesian heifers in-calf to the Aberdeen Angus bull from WE Strong, Penrith sell to £1120 with others at £1050 and £1020, which all sold averaging £1030.
Maiden heifers attracted keen interest with pedigree Holsteins from JM Barton & Son, Lupton selling to £880 with others at £820 on several occasions. An eye catching pair of pedigree Dairy Shorthorn bulling heifers from JR Handley, Whinfell sold to £700.
Show Results
Class 1 – Best New Calved Heifer
1st W Garnett & Son, Ackenthwaite
2nd JE Bainbridge, Soulby
3rd J & J Burrow, Grayrigg
Class 2 – Best New Calved Cow
1st JM Barton & Son
2nd R & J Dodgson, Natland
Class 3 – Best Dairy Youngstock
1st WE Strong
North West Auctions would like to thank all vendors and purchasers for supporting today’s sale and hope they will be able to support the next diary sale at North West Auctions which will be the Anniversary Show and Sale on Thursday 6th February 2020.