A nice entry of Calves forward today with several new faces both buying and selling. Beef bull calves sold to £315 for a British Blue x from DW Cottam, who sold others to £310. A Charolais x from Colby Farms Ltd topped at £295. Native breeds were in short supply and peaked at £270 for Hereford x from S Thompson. Heifer calves sold to £270 for a Charolais x from Colby Farms Ltd, with young British Blues to £258 from MH & SJ Morris. Several native bred Heifers sold to £230 for Hereford x with young Aberdeen Angus’ to £160 to £185.
Dairy bred bulls were easily sold and many more are needed to meet buyers demand. Top price today was £220 for one month old Fleckvieh x from R & J Dodgson, Montbeliardes to £210 from RJS & DM Addison, with others regularly selling between £185 and £205 from Colby Farms Ltd. Holstein Friesians sold to £125 from W Garnett & Son and HJ Robinson & Son, with other rearers regularly £80 to £110, mediums were generally selling between £65 to £80 with only the smallest and youngest less.
Several weaned calves and stirks attracted keen interest selling to a top of £462 for Aberdeen Angus x Bulls from C Preston, who also sold Hereford bulls to £455. Weaned calves sold to £445 for Limousin x bulls from RJ & KR Wilkinson, who also sold British Blue bulls to £395 and heifers to £355.
More calves can easily be sold at our regular fortnightly sale and we encourage Vendors to contact the office with entries of calves to assist when contacting buyers.
Cast Cows
There were a few more cast cows on offer this fortnight saw 37 cattle sell to an overall market average of 112p/kg. Beef bred cows sold to a strong trade topping at £1058 from AT Threlkeld Ltd, Satterthwaite or 159p/kg for a Limousin Cow from SW Atkinson, Capplethwaite. Dairy bred cattle topped at £851 or 137p/kg from R & J Dodgson, Cracalt.
More cattle are required to meet buyer’s demands. Please don’t forget we have a service for TB Restricted Cattle, please make sure these are pre-entered with the office.
Beef Breeding Cattle
The mid-summer sale of Beef Breeding Cattle saw a buoyant trade for all classes, with cattle selling above vendor’s expectations. Top price today was £1680 for an Aberdeen Angus cow with a Limousin Heifer calf at foot from Tom Barrons Farm Ltd who sold others at £1620. Other cows with calves at foot sold to £1400 for a Charolais x cow with bull calf at foot from D Clark. Heifers with calves sold to £1500 for Limousin x with a bull calf at foot from TH Gibson & Son with others to £1480 with heifer calves at foot. Limousin heifers from DE & SM Moorhouse with Limousin calves sold to £1350 with others to £1200 to £1300. Several in-calf heifers sold to £1080 for British Blues from JBL & I Ellis.
Cows with Bull Calves to £1400 av. £1400
Cows with Heifer Calves to £1680 av. £1650
Heifers with Bull Calves to £1500 av. £1340
Heifers with Heifer Calves to £1480 av. £1315
In-Calf Heifers to £1080 av. £1030
Store Cattle
A seasonal entry of Store Cattle saw a younger entry forward which sold well considering the current weather conditions and feed stocks.
Hereford x heifers 13 month old sold to £725 from GM Strong with others to £710. Other younger heifers generally sold around £620 to £700. Steers sold to £705 for Aberdeen Angus x, 12-14 month old, from JH & A Metcalfe & Son with Hereford x to £680 from JL Bird.
Please advise the office of entries for the next sale on Thursday 26th July.