
J36 Crooklands Livestock Auction: Primestock 15.08.18


The opening pig sale for August saw 99 forward in all sections and nicely selling away to a competitive crowd of buyers. Prime pigs were generally light weights today and sold to a top price of £102 for white gilts from W Stamper who sold others at 124p/kg. Nice finished pigs were 110p/kg – 125p/kg, being £90 - £100. Gilts and hogs continue to achieve a premium over boars. Cull sows achieved £100 from D Baldwin with others £90, £85 and £80. The monthly sale of store and weaner pigs saw Pietrain x gilts achieve £69, Large White stores £43, Tamworth weaners £37, Gloucester Old Spot weaners £27 and Large Black weaners £37.

Vendors are encouraged to contact the office with entries to assist with contacting buyers.

Spring Lambs

There was a bumper entry of prime lambs forward at J36 following the strong trade on the Monday and the upcoming EID festival. The trade averaged 178p/kg in line with other auctions on the day as extra numbers are out nationwide. As requested lambs that were well-finished enjoyed a strong trade and were well bid for, with other under finished lambs which have been drawn too early to catch the trade and not gaining full financial benefit. Well-finished lambs weighing forty-one kilograms plus were best to sell.

The trade topped at £95 for Texel lambs from DM & D Cook of Ulverston with other Texel lambs selling to £93.50 from JR Corlett of Cockermouth and J Woodburn and Partners of Ulverston. Suffolk lambs sold to a top of £93.50 from DE & SM Moorhouse of Natland. Plenty of well-finished better conformation lambs selling around the 200p/kg mark, they topped at 206p/kg from AE Atkinson and Son of Endmoor. Mule lambs sold to a top of £79.50 from ST & SE Allen of Tebay and £79 from BD Gill of Ingleton.

Cast Sheep

The largest entry of ewes seen for some time at J36 in preparation for the upcoming festival. The trade saw heavy weight fit ewes in strong demand and good sell with leaner and smaller ewes hard to place, as seen nationally with big entries of ewes everywhere. Best types of heavy Continental ewes sold in excess of the £100 mark. They topped at £109 for Suffolk ewes from E Needham of Stainton. Texel ewes sold to a top of £105 twice from DM & D Cook of Ulverston and AR & C Fawcett of Seascale with Charollais ewes to £102 from JA & R Geldard and Sons of Low Foulshaw. Best heavy weight well-fleshed Mule ewes continued to sell into the eighties topping at £89 from J Woodburn and Partners of Ulverston. Best Swaledale ewes sold in excess of £50 selling to a top of £53 from JS & S Atkinson of Scorton. Lean types of all ewes were hard to place as seen nationally with a large number currently on the market and little demand for these types of ewes for the upcoming festival with the strong demand being for the heavy weight well-meated sheep.

Top Prices

Prime Lambs:

Texel £95 Smithy Green Farm, £93.50 Skiddaw View, Manrigg Hall, £92 Low Foulshaw Farm. Suffolk £93.50 High House Farm, £91.50 Mansrigg Hall, £90, £89 Smithy Green Farm, £88 Whitbarrow Cottage. Beltex £88.50 Coldcotes Farm, £84.50 Stub Farm, £84 Green Lane End Farm, Coldcotes Farm, £83.50 Moorland Cottage. Charollais £88 Low Foulshaw Farm, £87 Myers Farm, £83.50 Crabtree Farm, £83 Myers Farm, £82.50 Low Foulshaw Farm. Continental £84.50 Howriggs, £84 Goodenber Road, £83.50 Low Foulshaw Farm, £75.50 Goodenber Road, £70 Abbey Drive. Mule £79.50 Hill Croft, £79 Yarlsber, £77.50 Cooper House, £73 Holme House Farm, £62 Botton Hall. Cheviot £73 Low Newton Farm, £70 High House Farm. Hampshire £70 Brow Head. Dorset £65.50 High Biggarsbank.

Cast Ewe:

Suffolk £109 Birkrigg Park Cottage, £97 Moorland Cottage, £82 Mansrigg Hall, £81 Head House, £78 Mansrigg Hall. Texel £105 Smithy Green Farm, Silverhow Farm, £94 Hill Park, £92 Grayrigg Hall, £91 The Borrans. Charollais £102 Low Foulshaw Farm, £90 Kirket Nook, £83 Low Foulshaw Farm. Beltex £95 Moorland Cottage, £78 Poppy Farm, £75 North Farm, £74 Moorland Cottage. Mule £89 Mansrigg Hall, £82 Low Groves Farm, Lane Ends Farm, £81 Flodder Hall, £Heights Farm. Bluefaced Leicester £88 Grayrigg Hall, £81 Low Mansrigg Hall, £79 Longwell, £69 Helm Croft. Teeswater £85 Low Audlands. Lleyn £83, £77, £60 Low Foulshaw Farm. Zwartble £75 Hill Top Farm. Cheviot £70, £68 Moorland Cottage. Masham £82, £74 Low Audlands, £67 Holme House Farm, £65 Cobble Hey Farm. Continental £70 North Farm. Cheviot Mule £69 North Farm, £64 Helm Croft. Herdwick £57 Low Mansriggs, £56 Moorland Cottage. Swaledale £53 Sykes Farm, £51 Eskew Beck Beck.

Cast Ram:

Suffolk £87 Lane Ends Farm. Swaledale £60 Sykes Farm, £59 Holme House Farm. Texel £80 Low Chapel Farm. Charollais £71 Low Audlands.

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