
J36 Crooklands Livestock Auction: Primestock Tuesday 7th November

Prime Lambs

The weekly sale of prime lambs had an increased entry of 1500 forward this week, a mixed entry in terms of quality and finish of the lambs. The good quality Beltex lambs continued to sell in excess of 200p/kg selling to a top of 226p/kg from RHM & S Boyren of Hill Park, Ulverston. It was Beltex lambs that topped the market at £100 or 212p/kg from WS Burrow & Sons of Gilbratar Farm. Suffolk lambs topped at £95 from DM & D Cook of Smithy Green, Ulverston for heavy weight lambs, with good conformation, heavy weight lambs selling towards £90. Once again, a good number of Mules in the market today topped at £78 for heavy weight lambs from RI Dixon of Low Newton, with 44kg Mule lambs selling to £76 from R Capstick and son of Fell End. There was an overall market average of 164p/kg.

Cast Sheep

There was a smaller entry of 334 cast sheep forward this week. A larger number of big ewes forward sold to a much improved trade for good meated Continental, Suffolk and Mule ewes. Numerous pens of big meated Continental ewes sold in excess of £100 topping at £117 RT & ME Sutton of Crosscrake with Texel ewes and RG Blackburn of Chapel House to £114, all Texel ewes forward sold to an average of £79.40. Texel tups topped at £121 from TE, JS & SA Carruthers of Red Scar. Mule ewes sold to a top of £69 from RHM & S Boyren of Hill Park, Ulverston with a pen of 35 Mule ewes from JC Dunning of Low Chapel Farm. Horned tups topped at £70 and £64 for Dalesbred tups from CC & DA Fawcett of Holmecrest. Rough Fell ewes topped at £57 from GR Park & Sons Low Deepslack with well-fleshed Swaledale ewes selling to £47 from Baystone farms. Leaner types of hill ewes selling to a slightly sharper trade.

Top Prices

Prime Lambs

Beltex - £100 Gibraltar Farm, £93, £78 Hill Park, £76.5 8 Silverdale Drive, £67 Bluebridge Barn. Suffolk - £95 Smithy Green Farm, £91 Meadow Oaks, £85 Smithy Green Cottages, £84 Meadow Oaks, £82.5 Hawkrigg End. Texel - £93.5 Smithy Green Farm, £93 Millom Castle, £90 Gibraltar Farm, £88.5 Steel Croft, £88 Mill Lane. Hampshire - £78 2 Angerton Cottages. Mule - £78 Low Newton Farm, £76.5 8 Silverdale Drive, £76 Fell End Farm, £75.5 Hill Croft, £74.5 Middale Farm. Cheviot - £75.5 3 Seedhowe, £65.5 Howriggs, £64 3 Seedhowe. Leicester - £73.5 Low Newton Farm, £73 Higher Core. Charollais - £72 Crabtree Farm, £70 Silverhow Farm, £64 High Greenside, £54 2 Angerton Cottages. Marsham - £67.5 Middale Farm. Cheviot Mule - £66 Howriggs, £60 Silverhow Farm. Dales Bred - £64.5 Yarlsber. Continental - £61.5 High Biggarsbank, £57 Moss Side. Rough Fell - £57.5 Low Fold, £39 Steps Farm. Swaledale - £40 Higher Core. Herdwick - £30 Silverhow Farm, £30 High Biggarsbank.

Cast Ewes

Texel - £117 Crosscrake Farm, £114 Chapel House, £111 Low Chapel Farm, £110 Millom Castle, £107 Silverhow Farm. Mule - £88 Ashtree Cottage, £69 Hill Park, £67 Low Chapel Farm, £65 Low Woodedge Farm, £63 Cinder Barrow. Leicester - £85 Ashstead. Cheviot - £61 The Park, £60 Ewelock Bank, £39 High Arnside Farm, £35 Ewelock Bank. Rough Fell - £57 Low Deepslack, £47 Millriggs. Lleyn - £54 Cragg Farm. Continental - £52 Clawthorpe Lodge. Suffolk - £49 Moss Side. Swaledale - £47 Whicham Valley, 338 Low Longmire, £37 Holmecrest. Zwartble - £40 High Farm.

Cast Rams

Texel - £121 Red Scar, £95 Chapel House, £40 Broad Head. Dales Bred - £70, £64 Holmecrest. Charollais - £67 Silverhow Farm. Zwartble - £55 Owlnook. Herdwick - £49 Hollin Hill. Leicester - £49 Owlnook.

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