Prime lambs sold to a top of £169 for Texel cross from KA Purtill, Wigan with others at £163 from CD&HL Mason, Caton. Other well finished heavy weight lambs were generally £145 to £155. The best standard weights were £128 to £136, with lighter weight lambs £110 to £118. Mule and Masham’s sold to a top price of £136 with other heavier pens £128 to £135.
Topping the market at 360p/kg was KA Purtill, Wigan with other pure and 3/4 bred lambs 320p/kg to 345p/kg. First cross lambs were generally 290p/kg to 305p/kg, depending on quality. Grass finished lambs were 280p/kg to 295p/kg. Mules sold to 281p/kg, with others generally 272p/kg to 280p/kg and lighter weight lambs 290p/kg to 310p/kg.
Texel cross ewes sold to £199 from TR Prickett, Hutton Roof with heavier first cross ewes £130 to £150, medium ewes were £105 to £120. Mules sold to £147 from A Thompson, Woodplumpton with other heavier pens £130 to £140. Meated mediums were £105 to £120, with light weight and leaner ewes generally £80 to £95.
Keep the lambs and ewes coming, with seven buyers ring side active on fifteen accounts every week at Lancaster.
Matthew Probert, Auctioneer – 07540 446667
Andrew Butler, Fieldsman – 07966 556592