A lighter show of lambs were forward, which could be expected with the festival. Trade was sharper then first thought, with an average of 387p/kg achieved, for lambs ranging from 30kg to 57kg. A ring full of heavy Suffolks sold to £197 from G Sagar & Son, Caton with the same good home selling other pens to £185 and £184. Texels sold to £184 from H Birkett & Son, Overton. Best bred lambs saw a ring full of Texel cross to 442p/kg from A&E Clarkson, Thurnham with Beltex to 440p/kg from KA Purtill, Wigan. Many more of the best were 405p/kg plus. Light weight lambs full of meat were in keen demand, with a pen of 38kg lambs selling to £168 from KA Purtill, Wigan.
More lambs are needed on a weekly basis, for our ever increasing ringside of buyers.
Less ewes forward selling to a sightly reduced trade, Texels sold to £140 from H Birkett & Son, Overton with Charollais to £135. Hill bred ewes saw Cheviot to £100 from SE&J Gorst, Littledale. All types of ewes are required for next Monday, after the festival period.