Another rise in numbers with over 700 penned today, lambs sold to a market average of 302p/kg. Best bred well finished lambs sold to extremely competitive ringside of appreciative buyers, to a top of £187 for a Blue Texel from J Bargh & Son, Morecambe who sold others at £186, with others regularly £158-£170. Top p/kg was Texel x from J Bargh & Son, Morecambe selling at 380p/kg with other better bred well finished lambs 340-360p/kg with well finished first cross texels regularly 300-325p/kg with several pens of lambs lacking the final coat of paint generally 285-298p/kg. Light weight lambs sold to £128 and 346p/kg for Beltex x with others £118-£125 and 320-340p/kg. Hill bred lambs continue to come forward in greater number week on week, with Mashams selling to £116.50, Mules to £116, Lonk to £112 with hill lambs generally 260p/kg-275p/kg
106 cull ewes average £93, with a large portion being recently weaned smaller upland ewes. Texel x ewes sold to £178 with medium continental ewes £140-£165 with leaner sorts £120-£140. Better end mules sold to £130 on several occasions with mediums £105-£118, with leaner sorts £75-£90. Upland ewes sold to £88 for Lonk, £81 for Cheviots with smaller end Swaledales to £61.
Opening sale of store lambs saw a full ringside of buyers with many leaving unable to fill orders. Best bred long keep lambs sold to £105 on several occasions for Texel x from Messrs Mattinson & Benson, Woodplumpton and N Johnston, Bay Horse with others generally selling £90-£97. Next sale of store lambs is Monday 2nd September which will be sold 10 minutes after the conclusion of cast sheep.
Any enquiries please contact Matthew on 07540446667 or Andrew oh 07966556592.