Prime Hoggs
The weekly sale of prime hoggs today in Lancaster has an entry of 629 forward selling to an overall market average of 220p/kg, in keeping with other auction centres. Leading the way was 62kg hoggs from AT Alcock, Inskip selling Texels to £133 and Suffolks to £132 followed by other heavy weights to £132 for Suffolks from Sam Ayrton, Thurnham and Texels to £128 from the same home. Other heavy weight Texels sold to £126 from T&CM Kellsall & Sons, Chipping with plenty more in the region of £120. Nicely bred Continental hoggs saw a run of Texels from R Collinge & Son, Kirkham sell to 265p/kg, 262p/kg, 258p/kg and 250p/kg twice. Others from Andrew Butler twice sold to 255p/kg with plenty better bred hoggs in the region of 240p/kg.
Upland hoggs saw heavy weight Mules to £128 from JS&S Atkinson, Scorton with heavy weight Cheviots to £125 from P Prickett, Hutton Roof. Other heavy weights saw Leicesters peaking at £119 from RH&C Ayrton, Abbeystead. Horned hoggs peaked at £98.50 for Swaledales from JS&S Atkinson, Scorton.
Cast Sheep
An entry of 135 cast sheep forward today in Lancaster saw the trade remains very similar with Texel x ewes peaking at £138 from G&D Ball & Son, Little Eccleston. This was followed by other Texel x ewes to £126, £124 and £120 from R Collinge & Son, Kirkham. Suffolk ewes peaked at £120 from DC Miller, Claughton on Brock. Cheviot Mules sold to £109 from G&D Ball & Son, Little Eccleston with Mules peaking at £104 from D&K Swarbrick, Out Rawcliffe, plenty of other pens of strong Mules sold in the late nineties. Horned sheep peaked at £63 for Swaledales from D&K Swarbirck, Out Rawcliffe with other Swaledale ewes to £59 from T Ayrton & Sons, Over Wyresdale.
Store Hoggs
A handful of store hoggs were forward today which saw the trade peak at £84 for Texels from B&SE Carter, Ellel.