Prime Lambs
The weekly sale of Prime lambs had a similar number forward selling to a similar trade of 157p/kg. There was a very mixed show of lambs forward saw leaner types penalised and possibly worth more in the store ring with fed well-fleshed lambs improving in demand and good to sell. Texel lambs sold to a top of £100 or 213p/kg from PD Pye, Over Wyresdale. The consignment of lambs from P Lawrenson & Son, Chorley saw Texels sell to £89.50 or 199p/kg with Charollais selling to £80.50, twice, and £79.50. Texel lambs sold to £79 from GR Newsham, Galgate and £78 from T & CM Kelsall & Son, Chipping and C & B Lowther, Over Wyresdale. Plenty of pens of well-meated lambs sold in the mid-seventies.
Cast Sheep
There was an entry of 85 cast sheep forward that sold to a top of £85 for ewes from DJ Hay, Cockerham with other Texels to £84 from JT & B Fox, Quernmore with other Texel ewes to £82 and £78 from P Lawrenson & Son, Chorley. Mule sold to a top of £77 from RI Wilson, Scotforth with others to £70 from JT & B Fox. Horned ewes topped at £44 from T & D Wright, Wray.
Store Lambs
The fortnightly sale of Store Lambs saw an entry just short of 200 forward this week selling to a slightly easier trade than the previous weeks, although the prime lamb market has dropped a lot since then and the lambs on offer being small. Leading the way this week was the consignment from SE & J Gorst, Littledale selling Texel lambs to £59.50, £56 and £55.50. Texel lambs from H Birkett & Son, Overton selling to £56. Mule lambs sold to £50 from JW & SE Drinkwater, Quernmore.