Prime Lambs
There was an increased entry of 669 prime lambs forward at Lancaster selling to an increased market average of 160p/kg. As we had requested for when canvassing, well-fleshed Continental and Suffolk lambs weighing in excess of 44kg were best to sell with lambs lacking in finish today penalised. Topping the market was T & CM Kelsall and Sons of Chipping with 51kg Texels making £84.50 with others from the same consignment selling to £84 and £83. Texel lambs from J Bargh and Son of Heaton with Oxcliffe sold to £84, with J Lamb, Old Glasson selling Texels to £83.50. Charollais lambs achieved £83.50 from J Burr, Quernmore and £83 from AG Butler, Hambleton. Suffolk lambs sold to a top of £83 from EW & A Bradshaw, Stalmine with numerous other pens of lambs selling in excess of the eighty-pound mark. Texel lambs sold to a top of 188p/kg or £79 from A & E Clarkson, Thurnham with other Texels to 186p/kg from J & R Waller, Killington.
Cast Sheep
An entry in excess of 100 cast sheep forward at Lancaster saw a full ringside of buyers present. A consignment of Texel tups from PW & DW Roskell, Pilling topped at £108 and £98 with plenty more selling in the nineties. Texel ewes sold to £78 from L Dawson, Dolphinhome and £72 from Bargh Contractors, Heaton with Oxcliffe with Suffolk ewes to the same price from EW & A Bradshaw, Stalmine. Best Mule ewes easily selling into the mid-sixties topping at £68 from DJ & MC Platt, Caton.